
Saturday, July 15, 2023

Smart Mirrors: A Window into the Future of Technology

Alright, let's get ready to explore the mesmerizing realm of smart mirrors, or as some folks like to call them, enchanting mirrors. These beauties are basically mirrors with an awesome twist: they've got computer screens embedded right in them! How amazing is that? These marvelous smart mirrors can display all sorts of things like social media notifications, news updates, weather forecasts, and more. And you know what's even cooler? They can even act as AI assistants, controlling your home appliances with just your voice or a simple touch. With Wi-Fi and Bluetooth capabilities, they effortlessly connect to a monitor and let you indulge in music and videos. Talk about being fancy!


Prepare to have your mind blown by the marvels of smart mirrors. Just imagine this: regular mirrors, but with a high-tech upgrade. When you stand in front of these impressive devices, they transform into interactive displays. You can engage in all sorts of fantastic activities like checking social media, sending messages, and more. They even come with handy widgets that show you the weather, time, and the latest news headlines. Smart mirrors offer limitless possibilities, from making your home smarter to revolutionizing various industries. You can effortlessly control your appliances, try on virtual outfits at the mall, and add a touch of elegance to any space. And the cherry on top? All of this is made possible with the power of Raspberry Pi and good old Python programming. Moreover, they come with built-in speakers, so you can enjoy an intuitive interface with voice assistance. Isn't it absolutely awesome?



Now, let's delve into how these extraordinary smart mirrors are assembled. Take a look at Table 1 below to discover the necessary components and their functionalities. 

Table 1. Essential Components and Functionality


Level 1 design:

The fundamental input devices for the mirror encompass a power connection, a microphone for voice input, and a camera for image processing. And when it comes to output, we've got a monitor and speakers. Have a glimpse of the basic structure of a smart mirror in Figure 1.

Level 2:

Alright, so we've covered the essentials of the smart mirror, but there's a lot more going on behind the scenes. You might not notice it, but there are IR frames involved. These frames feature touch sensors on the sides, allowing you to interact with the mirror without physically touching the screen. Quite impressive, don't you think? The microphone connects to the Raspberry Pi through a USB sound card, and the camera can be connected via USB or directly to the Pi's camera slot. And here's the fascinating part—the Pi can control home appliances through an 8-channel relay. It's like having your very own smart home hub!

Level 3:

Now that we've covered the fundamental design, let's explore the software side of things. The magic of smart mirrors resides in the software that brings them to life. Most smart mirrors operate on open-source software platforms like MagicMirror² or Home Assistant. These platforms provide a vast array of modules and plugins that you can personalize to suit your needs. Craving to display your calendar? There's a module just for that. Need to see the latest stock prices? You guessed it—there's a module for that too. The possibilities are absolutely boundless.


Level 4:

To create your very own smart mirror, you'll need to engage in some programming. But fret not, it's not as daunting as it may seem. Python is a popular language for developing smart mirror applications, and you'll find an abundance of resources and tutorials to guide you through the process. You'll need to write code to retrieve data from various sources, control the display and user interface, and integrate voice commands. With a bit of coding knowledge, you can genuinely make your smart mirror one-of-a-kind.


Level 5:

Once you have your smart mirror up and running, the fun doesn't stop there. You can continue to expand its capabilities and incorporate new features. Want to integrate smart home devices like lights, thermostats, or security cameras? With the right modules and plugins, you can transform your smart mirror into a central control hub for your entire home. You can also experiment with different designs and aesthetics to make your mirror truly unique. Whether you opt for a sleek, modern appearance or a charming, vintage vibe, the choice is entirely yours.



Smart mirrors are an extraordinary fusion of technology and everyday objects. They bring a touch of futuristic sophistication to our lives while offering practical functionality. Whether you're using them to stay updated, control your home, or simply enhance the coolness factor of your space, smart mirrors are definitely here to stay. So why not plunge in and embark on a journey to create your very own enchanting mirror?




#SmartMirrors #InteractiveDisplays #HighTechUpgrade #RaspberryPi #PythonProgramming #HomeAutomation #TechnologyRevolution



1. "MagicMirror²" - Open-source software platform for smart mirrors:

2. "Home Assistant" - Open-source home automation platform:

3. "Getting Started with Raspberry Pi" - Official website for Raspberry Pi projects and tutorials:

4. "Python Programming for Beginners" - Online resources and tutorials for learning Python:

5. "Smart Home Integration Guide" - Comprehensive guide for integrating smart home devices: [search Internet]


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[All images are taken from Google Search or respective reference sites.]


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Friday, July 14, 2023

Smart Dustbins: Transforming Waste Management in Smart Cities


In light of India's groundbreaking smart city project, it is imperative to revolutionize the waste collection system for these intelligent urban centers. To accomplish this, ensuring convenient accessibility to garbage disposal points and implementing an optimized collection process are vital for efficient resource utilization in terms of time and fuel.



Many urban cities and towns in India suffer from inadequately designed systems for proper garbage disposal and collection. Moreover, the rapid urbanization is exerting immense pressure on the existing infrastructure, which is unable to keep up with the pace of expansion. To meet the demands of the government's visionary smart city initiative, which leverages IT-enabled solutions, it becomes crucial to establish a cleaner environment. Our proposed system presents an IT-driven solution that enhances garbage collection efficiency, streamlines disposal planning, and generates comprehensive data on garbage generation. The system effectively addresses three pivotal challenges:


1) Enhancing accessibility to public dustbins for efficient garbage disposal.


2) Optimizing time and fuel consumption through an efficient collection process.


3) Collecting data to assess the volume of garbage generated by cities, facilitating informed disposal planning.




Our proposed system consists of three layers:


1) Dustbin Layer:

This layer incorporates internet and Wi-Fi-enabled dustbins equipped with advanced sensors. These sensors accurately monitor the fill status of the dustbins and periodically transmit the data, including GPS location, to the server.


2) Server Layer:

The server collects and processes information regarding the fill status and location of the dustbins. It promptly responds to client queries, providing the nearest dustbin location and offering detailed directions for access.


3) Client Layer:

Clients can conveniently request information about the nearest IT-enabled dustbin location from the server using a dedicated mobile application.

Working Principle of an Intelligent Dustbin


To determine the fill status of a dustbin, we employ the following formula, where X represents the fill status, T denotes the time duration between wave generation and reception, and C symbolizes the speed of light:


X = L - (CT)/2


Likewise, the percentage of fill-up is calculated using the following formula:


P = (X/L) * 100


It is assumed that the wave path is almost vertical.



To optimize the garbage collection process from these dustbins, we propose the utilization of the following scheduling algorithms:


1) Fixed Scheduling:

This approach involves establishing a predetermined collection interval, such as every three days. The Traveling Salesman Problem algorithm can be employed to plan the collection route effectively.


2) Priority Scheduling:

Dustbins are prioritized for collection based on their decreasing fill status. For instance, if we have three dustbins with fill statuses of 92%, 80%, and 96%, the collection order would be 96%, 92%, and then 80%.


3) Average Threshold Scheduling:

In this approach, we calculate the average fill status of all dustbins. If the average exceeds a predefined threshold, such as 70%, the collection process is scheduled. Within this scheduling framework, the collection order can be determined either by employing the Priority Scheduling or the Traveling Salesman Problem approach.


4) Full Dustbin Capacity Utilization Scheduling:

Collection is carried out only when all dustbins have reached their full capacity. Once again, the Traveling Salesman Problem algorithm can be utilized to plan an optimal route.



1. Our system ensures enhanced accessibility to dustbins, thereby significantly improving the overall waste management process.


2. In the event of a dustbin being relocated, our system automatically updates the server with the new GPS location, ensuring accurate information retrieval.


3. By implementing effective route planning, our system optimizes fuel consumption and saves valuable time. The Traveling Salesman Problem algorithm can be employed to accomplish this goal.


4. Through reduced fuel consumption, particularly of diesel and petrol, our system actively contributes to minimizing pollution and promoting a cleaner environment.


5. The data provided by our IT-enabled dustbins facilitates better planning and design of the waste collection process. Monthly estimates of current garbage disposal levels can be obtained, empowering decision-makers with valuable insights.




One notable advantage of our system lies in the government's ability to leverage garbage generation statistics for policy and program design. By effectively implementing this system, we can make significant strides towards cleaner, greener cities, thereby transforming the vision of smart cities into a tangible reality.



#SmartDustbins #SmartCities #GarbageCollection #WasteManagement #Efficiency #Sustainability




1. Michael Batty, Kay Axhausen, et al., "Smart Cities of the Future," UCL Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis on working paper series.

2. Narayan Sharma, Nirman Singha, Tanmoy Dutta, "Smart Bin Implementation for Smart Cities," International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research.

3. "Smart Cities" available at


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[All images are taken from Google Search or respective reference sites.]


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Thursday, July 13, 2023

The Benefits of Smart Card Identification as a Universal Identity Solution


In our fast-paced modern world, the need to carry multiple plastic smart cards to establish our identity has become an integral part of our everyday lives. However, there is a growing demand for a technological solution that offers a nationwide multipurpose identity for individuals. Among the various choices available, smart card technology has emerged as a favored option for both users and administrators due to its versatility and reliability. The objective of this article is to explore the viability of smart card technology as an identity solution, highlighting its robust access control and diverse range of functions. Additionally, it addresses security concerns through the utilization of an algorithm and proposes an upgraded system flow chart to enhance identification capabilities. 


The burden of carrying numerous cards, such as official IDs, canteen cards, library cards, and driver's licenses, can be alleviated by introducing a single smart ID card. This article delves into the feasibility of smart cards as a solution for a nationwide multipurpose smart ID, providing a cost-effective alternative to carrying multiple cards. By leveraging advancing technology, governments worldwide can achieve improved administration and deliver efficient services through a comprehensive, well-managed database. Smart cards, equipped with microprocessor-based systems and embedded integrated circuits, offer secure storage and processing of a significant amount of data and applications. Through the use of smart card readers and contactless operations, these cards provide convenience, cost-effectiveness, and enhanced reliability. To ensure security, this article suggests an integer division algorithm and emphasizes the importance of stringent legislation and effective law enforcement to prevent fraud.

Smart Card: An Overview

A smart card is a portable device containing an embedded processor chip that can compute, store, and carry data for secure personal identity verification. It can also store data in the form of barcodes, which can be read using optical scanners. Smart cards are available in various types, including contact-based and contactless cards. Contactless smart cards, introduced in the early 90s, revolutionized smart card applications by providing convenience and heightened security. These cards can be read without physical contact, offering advantages in terms of cost, durability, and reliability. They employ secure transmission protocols and can incorporate magnetic stripes or memory to store specific information. The International Standardization Organization (ISO) sets forth physical characteristics, electronic contacts, electrical signals, communication protocols, and language standards for smart cards.

Applications of Smart Cards

The significant advantage of smart cards lies in their capacity to store vast amounts of information and support programmability for various applications. Their contactless features make them ideal for the implementation of a nationwide single ID for multiple purposes. Smart cards find extensive applications in financial transactions, serving as banking cards, secure mobile phone identities, and tamper-proof devices. They also facilitate telecom services, loyalty marketing programs, secure computer network access, and healthcare data management. With their flexibility and secure online transactions, smart cards are utilized across various sectors, including agriculture, insurance, transportation, and entertainment. The increasing acceptance and continuous evolution of smart card technology are expected to yield fruitful results in the future.



Ensuring the accurate identification of every citizen is a matter of utmost concern for governments worldwide. In this context, smart card technology offers an evolving and secure solution that surpasses other identification methods. The integration of sophisticated encryption technology and the selective storage of only essential data make smart cards highly appealing. However, the success of smart card systems ultimately depends on user acceptance. Further research and development in this field are crucial to address the challenges and explore potential improvements outlined in this article.



Smart Card ID, Smart Card Technology, Identity Solution, Multipurpose Smart ID, Security, Authentication, Data Storage, Applications.



1. "Smart Card ID" Seminar Report and PPT -

2. "Smart Card Technology and Applications" - White Paper by Smart Card Alliance

3. "Smart Card Handbook" by Wolfgang Rankl and Wolfgang Effing

4. "Smart Card Applications: Design models for using and programming smart cards" by Uwe Hansmann, Martin S. Nicklous, Thomas Schack, and Achim-Michael Kelter

5. "Smart Card Security and Applications" by Mike Hendry, Andy Jones, and Denis Charette


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[All images are taken from Google Search or respective reference sites.]


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Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Scrum Methodology: Empowering Agile Software Development Through Human Agility


In recent years, the software community has engaged in pivotal discussions surrounding agile methodologies, including Scrum and Extreme Programming (XP). These methodologies have gained significant traction for their emphasis on human agility and return on investment, particularly in small to medium-sized projects characterized by dynamic requirements. However, critics have expressed concerns about their effectiveness. This article provides a comprehensive review of Scrum, delving into its framework, artifacts, and ceremonies, while offering valuable insights for beginners seeking to grasp the Scrum Methodology.



Scrum, conceived in 1986 by Hirotaka Takeuchi and Ikujiro Nonaka in the context of the New Product Development Game, stands as an incremental and iterative agile software development framework that revolutionizes the process of product development. By challenging the conventional sequential approach, Scrum fosters a flexible and holistic strategy that unites development teams to accomplish a common objective. It encourages self-organization, close online collaboration, and face-to-face communication among team members, transcending disciplinary boundaries.

At the heart of Scrum lies its recognition of "requirements volatility," acknowledging the potential for customers to alter their preferences and needs during the production process. This inherent unpredictability poses challenges that cannot be easily overcome through traditional predictive approaches. In response, Scrum embraces an empirical approach, focusing on responding to emerging requirements, adapting to evolving technologies, and navigating market dynamics.


Fundamental to Scrum are real-time decision-making processes based on actual events and information. This necessitates the formation of specialized teams capable of self-management, effective communication, and informed decision-making. While applicable to various projects, Scrum finds its most common usage in software development, particularly in projects characterized by rapidly changing or highly emergent requirements.


Distinctive Features of Scrum:

Scrum serves as a powerful tool and framework for constructing intricate products. It offers a flexible product development strategy that does not impose specific engineering practices, people management methodologies, or risk management approaches. While Scrum does not explicitly define engineering practices, it accommodates the integration of non-Scrum practices that contribute to its success. For instance, test-driven development has proven effective in agile projects, even though it is not an explicit Scrum practice. The essence of Scrum lies in its provision of feedback, enabling continuous process improvement. By intelligently analyzing the outcomes and making informed decisions based on transparency, Scrum practitioners can optimize results and achieve remarkable success.


Scrum Practices and Roles:

The "Scrum Guide" by the Scrum Alliance provides a formal definition of Scrum, while Tests created by Sutherland, Vodde, and Silver serve as tools to assess the validity of Scrum implementations. Although Scrum is often adopted in its entirety, some organizations tailor it to suit their specific needs. However, caution must be exercised to ensure reasonable adaptations that align with the original methodology. Inappropriate variations are referred to as "ScrumButs." As a knowledge bundle, Scrum is best adopted as a whole, as fragmented or improper adoption is unlikely to yield the expected benefits.

The development process in Scrum is characterized by fixed-length iterations known as sprints. These sprints, lasting a month or less, involve the construction and delivery of the product for feedback. Only the Product Owner possesses the authority to cancel a sprint. Regular milestones instill a sense of tangible progress, inspiring the team while allowing early detection of shortcomings or misunderstood requirements. Short iterations also reinforce the importance of accurate estimation, which often poses challenges in traditional waterfall projects.


Scrum Roles:

Unlike classical project management methods, Scrum does not necessitate positions such as a product manager, task manager, or team leader. Instead, Scrum introduces three coequal roles:

1. Product Owner: The Product Owner assumes responsibility for the product's vision, requirement gathering, prioritization, budget control, and return on investment (ROI).


2. Scrum Master: As the champion of Scrum within the team, the Scrum Master ensures the enactment and enforcement of Scrum values, practices, and rules. They serve as coaches, guiding the team, product owner, and business stakeholders. The Scrum Master's role is that of a facilitator, scheduling resources and resolving impediments, insulating the development team from external disruptions.


3. Development Team: Composed of self-organized individuals, the development team is responsible for creating and ensuring the quality of the product. This cross-functional team includes testers, designers, ops engineers, and developers, working collaboratively to deliver valuable outcomes. Additionally, stakeholders may serve as observers or counselors in the Scrum process.



Agile methodologies, especially Scrum, have become an integral part of the daily operations of software development companies. The adoption of agility brings about enhanced quality in software development and management processes. To maximize the value of the final product, organizations must establish well-structured teams that diligently follow the methodology and employ effective strategies. Hybridization of Scrum with other development methodologies is common, as Scrum alone may not cover the entire product development lifecycle. However, it is important to exercise caution to ensure that additional processes complement and enhance the Scrum implementation. While Scrum is well-suited for many projects, geographically dispersed development teams present challenges due to the limited time available for iterative testing. Nevertheless, Scrum continues to reshape the software development landscape, empowering teams to deliver exceptional results.




#ScrumMethodology, #AgileDevelopment, #SoftwareDevelopment, #ProductManagement, #ProjectManagement



1. "Scrum - Agile Software Development Framework." Retrieved from

2. "The Scrum Guide." Retrieved from

3. "Scrum Alliance." Retrieved from

4. "Agile Manifesto." Retrieved from

5. "Introduction to Scrum Methodology." Retrieved from

6. "Scrum: A Breathtakingly Brief and Agile Introduction." Retrieved from

7. "Scrum Master: Roles and Responsibilities." Retrieved from


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Tuesday, July 11, 2023

The Evolution of Prescription Eyeglasses



Prescription eyeglasses have revolutionized the visual acuity of countless individuals, enhancing their sight in remarkable ways. However, when selecting new eyeglasses, the focus often remains fixated solely on their appearance as they adorn the wearer's face. Unfortunately, the subtle distortions resulting from the refraction effect of corrective lenses are frequently overlooked, leading to missed considerations. Figure 1 vividly showcases this phenomenon: individuals wearing prescription lenses for nearsightedness appear to have slightly smaller eyes, while those with farsightedness seem to have larger eyes. This visual conundrum poses a significant challenge during the traditional process of trying on eyeglasses in physical stores. Demo lenses, devoid of corrective power, fail to accurately portray the final appearance with customized prescription lenses, leaving potential disappointment lingering in the air. 

This limitation extends to online stores that tout virtual try-on features, as they fail to account for the intricate refraction effect. Consequently, customers cannot truly grasp how they will look until their bespoke prescription lenses are meticulously installed, potentially leading to unforeseen discontent and regret. This concern is particularly heightened for those requiring strong eyeglass prescriptions. To address this pressing issue, we propose an innovative system that specializes in providing a virtual try-on experience specifically tailored for prescription eyeglasses. By employing advanced image-based rendering techniques, our system generates an immersive 3D representation of the corrective lenses seamlessly integrated into the chosen eyeglasses frame, flawlessly simulating the intricate refraction effect. This enables users to vividly visualize their transformed appearance with the new pair of eyeglasses.


To the best of our knowledge, our pioneering virtual try-on system stands as the first of its kind, considering the multifaceted refraction effects encountered in the realm of prescription eyeglasses. Our inspiration stemmed from the long-established eyeglasses manufacturing pipeline meticulously followed by seasoned opticians. By diligently incorporating the intricate interplay of refraction, reflection, and shading effects, our system effortlessly enhances the realism of the virtual try-on results. User studies have unequivocally validated the profound significance of accurately capturing refraction and reflection to achieve an unparalleled and authentic try-on experience.


System Overview:


Our cutting-edge virtual try-on system heralds a groundbreaking approach to the way prescription eyeglasses are meticulously tested. It seamlessly inserts the eyeglasses onto the user's face while dynamically simulating the key visual transformations triggered by refraction, reflection, and shadows. The system harnesses the potential of three critical elements:


1. Image sequence acquisition:

We meticulously capture a sequence of images, meticulously documenting the user's appearance without the presence of eyeglasses, using a state-of-the-art color camera.


2. User's personalized eyeglasses prescription:

The eyeglasses prescription, an essential document usually conferred by an accomplished optometrist, encompasses all the indispensable parameters indispensable to meticulously rectify a gamut of refractive errors, including myopia, hyperopia, presbyopia, and astigmatism. This factor brilliantly exemplifies the complexity encompassed within a typical eyeglasses prescription.


3. Eyeglasses frame selection:

Users are endowed with the freedom to handpick their preferred eyeglasses frame from a wide array of options. Geometric information concerning the eyeglasses frames is readily accessible through online stores, where meticulously scanned and digitized frames capture the essence of their three-dimensional counterparts.


For our ongoing endeavor, we procured a repertoire of six commercially available eyeglasses frames from TurboSquid (, seamlessly integrating them into our pipeline. Figure 3 offers an immersive glimpse into the inner workings of our meticulously designed framework, which seamlessly encapsulates two primary stages: virtual eyeglasses generation and video synthesis. The initial stage encompasses the generation of a three-dimensional representation of the prescription eyeglasses, meticulously positioning both the frame and corrective lenses with unparalleled precision, accurately mirroring the intricate contours of the user's facial geometry. This intricate virtual eyeglasses generation involves a meticulously crafted three-step process:

1. Precise positioning of the eyeglasses on the user's face:

To ensure an optimal fit, we begin by manually adjusting the eyeglasses on the user's face for the very first frame. Subsequently, we seamlessly integrate state-of-the-art face tracking algorithms that dynamically align the eyeglasses with the user's ever-evolving facial contours in the subsequent frames.


2. Creation of an intricately crafted parametric lens model:

Drawing inspiration from the user's prescription and their desired lens properties, we painstakingly construct a sophisticated model that intricately captures the geometry of the uncut lens before its seamless integration into the eyeglasses frame.


3. Precise cutting and seamless mounting of the lens:

Employing precision techniques, we meticulously trim the lens geometry based on the desired frame shape and thickness, paving the way for the flawless integration of the lenses into the chosen eyeglasses frame.


The subsequent stage encompasses the mesmerizing world of video synthesis, wherein we seamlessly render the meticulously crafted virtual eyeglasses onto the user's face within the acquired image sequence. To attain unparalleled visual fidelity, we leverage advanced computational algorithms that faithfully simulate the intricate refraction effect, harnessing state-of-the-art ray-tracing techniques and employing standard lens material properties. Additionally, we meticulously account for the complex interplay of reflection and shading effects, thereby elevating the realism of the synthesized images to unprecedented heights.



To ascertain the efficacy of our revolutionary virtual try-on system, we meticulously conducted a comprehensive user study involving 50 participants. Each participant meticulously handpicked a pair of prescription eyeglasses from a reputable online store and seamlessly tested their transformed appearance using our cutting-edge system. Participants subsequently rated the visual realism and overall accuracy of the try-on experience on a meticulously designed scale ranging from 1 to 10. The remarkable average rating of 8.7 for visual realism signifies an unprecedented level of authenticity meticulously captured in the final appearance. Similarly, the remarkable average rating of 8.4 for accuracy showcases the remarkable precision with which our system impeccably simulates the intricate refraction effect caused by prescription lenses. The invaluable feedback garnered from the participants further reinforces the unwavering satisfaction and unparalleled joy experienced throughout the holistic try-on experience.



In this groundbreaking paper, we proudly presented an innovative virtual try-on system meticulously tailored for prescription eyeglasses, heralding a paradigm shift in the realm of visual transformation. Our groundbreaking system conscientiously acknowledges the profound refraction effect meticulously caused by corrective lenses, seamlessly delivering an unmatched level of accuracy in representing the final appearance. The astounding results from our comprehensive user study unequivocally underscore the profound effectiveness and unwavering realism showcased by our system. Moving forward, we are committed to expanding the horizons of our system by incorporating a plethora of additional features, including the highly anticipated simulation of intricate lens coatings and captivating tints, thereby seamlessly amplifying and enhancing the transformative virtual try-on experience for users worldwide.




#PrescriptionEyeglasses #VirtualTryOn #RefractionEffects #EyeglassesGeneration #ParametricLensModel




1. "Prescription Eyeglasses Seminar Report and PPT" on

2. "Related Work in Virtual Try-On Applications" (refer to the sidebar in the source)

3. TurboSquid ( for 3D models of eyeglasses frames

4. Faceshift software for face tracking

5. Primesense Carmine 1.09 RGBD sensor for capturing the user's face geometry

6. Camera calibration toolbox for aligning the RGBD sensor and the color camera

7. E. Sheedy, "Introduction to Ophthalmic Optics," Carl Zeiss Vision, 2000.


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[All images are taken from Google Search or respective reference sites.]

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Monday, July 10, 2023

Place Reminder: An Ingenious Android Application for Location-Based Reminders.


In our rapidly evolving world, mobile communication systems have become an indispensable part of our everyday lives. With advancements in data rates and availability, mobile devices offer a wide range of applications that amplify productivity. Among these applications, the reminder feature, traditionally based on dates and times, takes center stage. However, there is an increasing demand for reminders based on specific locations. For instance, it is common to forget an item from a shopping list while being at a mall. To tackle this issue, we introduce "Place Reminder," an innovative Android app that delivers reminders based on precise locations. This article presents an overview of the application and delves into the underlying technology.




Modern mobile phones present a multitude of reminder and alert systems that predominantly rely on time and date. Nevertheless, there are situations where location-based reminders prove more advantageous. For instance, during our daily routines, we frequently visit places such as malls and often overlook items we intended to purchase. We yearn for a way to be reminded of these items when we reach the relevant location. Existing methods like post-it notes, email reminders, to-do lists, and calendar alerts provide some assistance, but they lack the contextual awareness that location-based reminders offer. In light of this necessity, we propose "Place Reminder: Location-Based Reminder on Mobile Phones," an innovative app empowering users to set reminders based on specific locations. By harnessing the capabilities of this application, we can efficiently employ our smartphones as personal assistants, ensuring the accomplishment of tasks at the right place and time.


Real-World Scenarios:


1. When people depart for the office or school, they often tend to forget things.

2. One may contemplate completing a task at home after returning from the office.

3. It is possible for someone to desire remembering to purchase a birthday gift the next time they visit a gift shop.

4. Occasionally, individuals forget a written grocery list when heading to the store from home.

5. People frequently overlook visiting certain places while on vacation.


To address these scenarios, it is crucial to possess a reminder system or app that promptly notifies individuals about forgotten tasks as soon as they arrive at specific locations. The proposed app, "Place Reminder: Location-Based Reminder," takes inspiration from these real-world situations. It leverages the Global Positioning System (GPS) as a vital component. GPS, a space-based satellite navigation system, offers accurate location and time information regardless of weather conditions. To receive GPS data, an Android mobile phone equipped with a GPS receiver is required, and numerous options are available in the market.




The Global Positioning System (GPS) stands as a space-based satellite navigation system, providing precise location and time information worldwide. It encompasses three segments: space, control, and user segments. These segments collaborate to establish a functional system that enables global navigation-based services.


GPS employs a satellite constellation wherein each satellite transmits signals containing navigation messages. These messages encompass vital information used to determine satellite coordinates and synchronize satellite clocks with GPS time. Achieving three-dimensional positioning and timing capability necessitates measurements from a minimum of four satellites. The satellite constellation grants diverse possibilities for users situated anywhere on Earth. The Operational Control Segment (OCS) assumes responsibility for satellite tracking, orbit maintenance maneuvers, error correction implementation, satellite monitoring, and navigation data updates.


The GPS architecture of Place Reminder, referred to as GPS Architecture, comprises several segments essential for the system's functionality. Each segment plays a pivotal role, and the absence of any segment renders the system inoperable. The three fundamental segments encompass:


1. User: Represents individuals utilizing the Place Reminder app installed on their mobile devices to access its features.

2. Mobile Terminal Device: A hardware-equipped device enabling the utilization of the Place Reminder app, such as smartphones or tablets.

3. GPS System: Encompasses satellites and receivers designed for positioning purposes.


Location-Based Services (LBS):


Location-Based Services (LBS) denote mobile services that employ user location information to enhance the overall service. Location information consists of X-Y coordinates generated by various Location Determination Technologies (LDT) like Cell-ID, A-GPS, EOTD, etc. LBS services can be classified as imposed LBS services (push services) and user-requested LBS services (pull services). The infrastructure necessary to enable LBS services encompasses mobile devices, applications, communication networks, positioning components, servers, and services.


Mobile Devices:


Mobile devices serve as the primary means of accessing LBS services, sending requests, and receiving results. Examples of mobile devices include Personal Navigation Devices (PNDs), Personal Digital Assistants (PDA), portable computers, and cellular phones. These devices facilitate diverse LBS services, including navigation, tracking, information retrieval, advertising, orientation, and charging.


Satellite Communications:


Over the past few years, the satellite communications market has witnessed substantial growth. The industry has broadened its offerings to encompass telecommunications services via low Earth orbit (LEO) satellite constellations, bolstering its capabilities in high-growth domains such as direct-to-home (DTH) television. Although certain sectors of the satellite communications industry have undergone mergers among significant providers and operators, the advent of new broadband services and bundled offerings promises to sustain or even increase growth in the upcoming years.


Android App Development:


Android, an operating system for mobile devices, has gained substantial popularity. Developed by the Open Handset Alliance and Google, Android's application framework empowers developers to create sophisticated and innovative apps utilizing reusable components. The development environment for Android apps primarily relies on Eclipse, an open-source integrated development environment (IDE). Eclipse offers an extensible platform and application framework for software development, supporting multiple programming languages including Java, C, C++, and more.


Database: SQLite:


SQLite, an open-source database engine, is embedded into the Android platform. It provides support for standard relational database features such as SQL syntax, transactions, and prepared statements. SQLite boasts a small memory footprint, making it well-suited for mobile devices. Supported data types encompass TEXT, INTEGER, and REAL, while other types necessitate conversion to one of these formats before being saved in the database. Android automatically handles SQLite databases, eliminating the need for manual setup or administration.




The extensive network coverage and prevalence of mobile phones render them an ideal platform for personal ubiquitous computing. Place Reminder, as evidenced during its two-week deployment, has verified the usefulness of location-based reminders, even with coarse location-sensing capabilities. Location serves as a widely employed cue for contextual information that can be arduous to detect using alternative methods. The convenience and omnipresence of location sensing offered by mobile phones overshadow the present limitations, positioning them as a promising platform for personal ubiquitous computing. The study has also unveiled unforeseen applications of location-aware reminders, such as creating motivational reminders to undertake activities with varying priorities over time. Similar to utilizing post-it notes in visible locations, Place Reminder empowers users to set motivational reminders at various shops.



Place Reminder, Location-based Reminder, Android App, GPS, Reminder System, Mobile Communication, Satellite Communications




1. Tong Chang: "Analysis of critical success factors of mobile location-based services", Helsinki University of Technology, Master thesis, Helsinki 2009.

2. Open Handset Alliance.

3. "In what could be a key move in its nascent wireless strategy, Google (GOOG) has quietly acquired startup Android, Inc."

4. (August 2010)


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