
Saturday, July 22, 2023

Design for Artificial Intelligence (DfAI) Framework: An Unprecedented Leap in AI-Embedded Engineering Design


About Topic In Short:


Institute Name: Carnegie Mellon University. Authors: Chris McComb and Glen Williams


Design for Artificial Intelligence (DfAI) Framework for integrating AI into engineering design from the beginning, enabling breakthrough improvements in technology development.


The DfAI framework comprises three key components - DfAI Personnel, DfAI Applications, and DfAI Framework, addressing AI literacy, engineering system redesign, and enhancing AI development in engineering.




This insightful piece delves into the revolutionary "Design for Artificial Intelligence" (DfAI) framework, a collaborative masterpiece crafted by ingenious minds at Carnegie Mellon University and Penn State University. It delves into the complexities involved in seamlessly integrating AI into engineering design, underscoring the indispensable role that engineers must play in grasping the specialized domain of DfAI.


The Genesis of the DfAI Framework:

The genesis of the DfAI framework can be traced back to an epiphany that struck the researchers amidst the ever-evolving landscape of engineering design and manufacturing. They confronted the undeniable truth that there was a dearth of engineers equipped with expertise in both engineering system design and artificial intelligence. Thus, recognizing the immense possibilities that AI held for engineering design, they embraced the challenge of creating a distinctive discipline to unlock unprecedented advancements.


The Visionaries: Chris McComb and Glen Williams:

The pioneers at the helm of the DfAI framework's inception were none other than the illustrious Chris McComb and the trailblazer Glen Williams. As an associate professor of mechanical engineering, Chris McComb ardently emphasized the imperative of entwining AI into the very fabric of the engineering design process, rather than viewing it as a mere appendage to existing systems.


Glen Williams, a former protégé of McComb and now the principal scientist at Re:Build Manufacturing, eloquently exemplified the framework's significance through a hypothetical scenario of two companies engaged in mass-producing electric aircraft. While Company A opted for the traditional manual approach to hasten market entry and profitability, Company B embarked on a data-rich journey, capturing intelligence throughout the design's lifecycle. With time, Company B's data-driven paradigm resulted in monumental cost reductions and an unparalleled competitive edge over Company A.


The Pillars of the DfAI Framework:

At the core of the DfAI framework stand three pillars that are critical to its success: engineering designers, design repository curators, and AI developers. These roles are intertwined and synergistic, with engineering designers acting as adept problem solvers, proficient in both engineering constraints and AI algorithms. Design repository curators take on the mantle of database maintainers, armed with extensive engineering design and manufacturing acumen, providing design engineers with invaluable data management tools that cater to both current and future demands. In parallel, AI developers thrive as visionaries, envisioning, creating, marketing, and incessantly refining AI software products that empower design engineers to soar to unprecedented heights.


The Boundless Applications of DfAI:

The DfAI framework transcends the confines of any particular engineering discipline, resonating across the vast expanse of the engineering design process. It unfurls a path to progress, with its compass pointing toward three cardinal directions: elevating AI literacy in the industry, reimagining engineering systems to seamlessly accommodate AI integration, and fostering the evolution of the engineering AI development process.


Thus Speak Authors/Experts:

Chris McComb passionately advocates for AI integration at the very core of design engineers' operations, negating any notion of AI being an afterthought. He firmly believes that the future of design and manufacturing rests upon empowering engineers with cutting-edge AI-integrated software.


Glen Williams underscores the significance of laying the foundation through comprehensive frameworks, unified terminology, and well-documented principles. Such endeavors foster an interconnected community of AI engineers hailing from diverse engineering applications, industries, technologies, and scales of operation, poised to collaborate in unparalleled ways.



The DfAI framework signifies an epoch-making milestone in engineering design and AI integration. A testament to collaborative research and visionary insight, it paves the way for illuminating discussions on the future of AI in engineering. With the adoption of DfAI principles, industries stand to unlock transformative advancements, giving birth to a new era of innovative, sustainable, and immensely profitable technology.


Image Gallery

DfAI Principles

DfAI Principles (Credit: Carnegie Mellon Unviersity, College of Engineering)

All Images Credit: from References/Resources sites [Internet]


Chris McComb presents this work via the ASME Journal of Computing & Information Science in Engineering in the following video. 

Hashtag/Keyword/Labels list:

#DfAI #ArtificialIntelligenceEngineering #EngineeringDesign #AIIntegration #BreakthroughImprovements #CarnegieMellonUniversity #PennStateUniversity #ChrisMcComb #GlenWilliams #DataDrivenDesign #AIEngineers #InterconnectedCommunity #AdditiveManufacturing #Aerospace #MedicalDevices #IoT #SmartDevices





3. ASME Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering


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Friday, July 21, 2023

A Revolutionary Deep Belief Neural Network Utilizing Silicon Memristive Synapses


About Topic In Short:


Institute Name - Technion–Israel Institute of Technology and the Peng Cheng Laboratory; Authors - Shahar Kvatinsky and colleagues.


Innovation or Research: A neuromorphic computing system supporting deep belief neural networks (DBNs) based on silicon memristive synapses.


The system utilizes silicon-based memristors to emulate human brain synapses, overcoming the limitations of memristor availability by using a commercially available Flash technology engineered to behave like a memristor. The system is specifically tested with a binary-based DBN that eliminates the need for data conversions.


In the realm of Artificial Intelligence (AI), considerable strides have been made; however, the challenge remains with energy-intensive training and computation on conventional hardware. To tackle this obstacle, researchers from Technion–Israel Institute of Technology and the Peng Cheng Laboratory have crafted a neuromorphic computing system that empowers Deep Belief Neural Networks (DBNs), a profound class of deep learning models. This groundbreaking system harnesses silicon-based memristors, remarkable energy-efficient devices proficient in information storage and processing. Within this article, we embark on the journey of unveiling the intricate process that births this innovative deep belief neural network, driven by silicon memristive synapses.


Comprehending Memristors and Neuromorphic Computing:

Behold memristors, these electrical components wield dominion over electrical current in circuits while retaining the charge that courses through their core. In their likeness to human brain synapses, they proffer a captivating substitute for running AI models. Embracing neuromorphic computing with memristors has confronted challenges, chiefly the scarcity of memristive technology and the exorbitant cost of converting analog computations to digital data and back.


Conquering Obstacles and Constructing the Neuromorphic System:

The valiant efforts of Shahar Kvatinsky and his adept team have brought forth a neuromorphic computing system fashioned from commercially available Flash technology sourced from Tower Semiconductor. Ingeniously tweaked to mimic memristors, this technology overcomes the scarcity conundrum. Furthermore, a carefully selected, freshly devised DBN epitomizes the system, inherently processing binary input and output data, eradicating the necessity for conversions.


Comprehending Deep Belief Neural Networks (DBNs):

Glorious DBNs, a splendid breed of generative and graphical deep learning models, bear gifts of uniqueness unlike conventional deep neural networks. Behold their training, wherein the accumulation of desired model updates occurs, only to be unleashed upon reaching a specific threshold. The artistry of DBNs, adorned in simplicity and binary essence, renders them irresistible for hardware implementation.


Crafting Artificial Synapses with Memristive Silicon:

Employing wondrous commercial complementary-metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) processes, the researchers forge artificial synapses of the silicon-based memristive kin. These gifted synapses boast a cornucopia of splendid traits - analog tunability, unyielding endurance, longevity of retention, foretold cycling degradation, and moderate variance across devices.


Dazzling Demonstration of the Neuromorphic System:

Wondrous feats ensue as the team demonstrates the system's might, training a restricted Boltzmann machine - a DBN variant - to partake in pattern recognition. Behold, a dazzling spectacle, for the model attains resplendent accuracy, surpassing 97% recognition in the realm of handwritten digits, all thanks to the Y-Flash endowed memristors.


A Glimpse into Energy-Efficient AI Systems:

The heralding of this novel architecture sets forth a path ablaze with promise - the path leading to heightened energy efficiency among AI systems, most notably in the realms of restricted Boltzmann machines and assorted DBNs. The scalable wonder of this architecture bequeaths the world with opportunities aplenty, beckoning the exploration of additional memristive realms and a cornucopia of neural network architectures.


Thus Speak Authors/Experts:

Shahar Kvatinsky and his venerable comrades herald the significance of their neuromorphic marvel built upon silicon memristive synapses. Their clarion call resounds through the halls of science, championing the conquest of limitations surrounding memristive technology and the golden gateway to vanquish the costly converters that mar digital and analog domains. A splendid symphony unfolds as a DBN arises, wreathed in accuracy, bearing testament to the resplendent practicality and operational prowess of this visionary system.



Behold, the unveiling of a deep belief neural network birthed from the heart of silicon memristive synapses heralds a triumph for neuromorphic computing. As we embrace memristors' bewitching prowess, a more energy-efficient era of AI model training and execution emerges. The horizon of possibility stretches far and wide, for the architecture's scope transcends to bolder heights, promising untold wonders in the realm of AI and the boundless possibilities of neuromorphic systems.


Image Gallery

Deep Belief Neural Network

Memristors measured in a probe station. Credit: Technion Spokespers

All Images Credit: from References/Resources sites [Internet]



#DeepBeliefNeuralNetwork #SiliconMemristiveSynapses #NeuromorphicComputing #AI #MachineLearning #EnergyEfficiency #Technion #PengChengLaboratory #DBN #RestrictedBoltzmannMachine






4.       Wei Wang et al, "A memristive deep belief neural network based on silicon synapses," Nature Electronics (2022). DOI: 10.1038/s41928-022-00878-9


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Thursday, July 20, 2023

X-Vision: Augmented Reality Revolutionized with Real time Sensing

Let's introduce X-Vision, an incredible tool based on Augmented Reality (AR) that takes visualization to the next level. It brings real-time sensing capabilities to a tagged environment, aiming to boost productivity and enhance user-environment interaction. X-Vision works wonders in a range of settings, including factories, smart spaces, homes, offices, maintenance/facility rooms, and operation theaters.


X-Vision revolves around an exceptional visualization tool based on Augmented Reality (AR) that operates in a tagged environment. This article presents the design and implementation of X-Vision, including the development of a physical prototype that can project mind-blowing 3D holograms. These holograms are encoded with real-time data, such as water level and temperature readings of common office/household objects. Additionally, the article delves into the quality metrics used to evaluate the performance of pose estimation algorithms, which play a crucial role in reconstructing 3D object data.



The realm of Augmented Reality (AR) has witnessed remarkable advancements driven by progress in computer vision, connectivity, and mobile computing. We now encounter various AR applications on a daily basis, such as Google Translate's augmented display, AR GPS navigation apps, and CityViewAR for tourism. These applications seamlessly bridge the physical and digital worlds by employing object identification or providing information about the physical space. Visual markers, 2D barcodes, and RFID tags serve as effective means to establish this connection. Among these options, RFID tags stand out with their unique advantages. They enable wireless communication within a short distance, eliminating the need for line of sight. Moreover, RFID tags are cost-effective and can be effortlessly attached to a wide range of inventory and consumer products. By harnessing the power of RFID technology, X-Vision wirelessly retrieves information about tagged object IDs and physical attributes, mapping them to a captivating digital avatar.

AR-Based Smart Environment:

AR technology seamlessly integrates digital components into our perception of the real world, enabling interactive bidirectional communication and control between users and objects across various domains. X-Vision falls into this exciting category by combining object recognition, 3D pose estimation, and RFID sensing capabilities to create a truly smart environment. Through the research and development of X-Vision, we aim to amplify user-environment interaction and elevate user experiences in areas such as education, tourism, and navigation.

Emerging RFID Applications:

RFID technology has gained significant traction in industries for identification and tracking purposes. Recent advancements have explored the fusion of RFID with computer vision and AR technologies, paving the way for X-Vision's breakthrough. X-Vision brings together these cutting-edge technologies for gaming, education, and mixed reality applications. By leveraging RFID tags for object identification and sensing, X-Vision unlocks the full potential of AR technology, creating immersive and interactive experiences that leave a lasting impact. Numerous studies have already showcased the effectiveness of AR and RFID tags in gaming, education, and information display. In this article, X-Vision not only utilizes RFID for object identification but also harnesses its power for wireless sensing of the environment and object attributes. This approach fosters a more intimate and comprehensive interaction between humans and the objects that surround them.


Object Identification and Pose Estimation:

To bring X-Vision to life, we employ an Intel RealSense D415 depth camera, capturing color and depth information. This camera is seamlessly integrated with a HoloLens device, enabling a powerful visual experience. The system utilizes advanced local feature-based object recognition algorithms to identify objects from a vast database. Once identified, the X-Vision system performs 3D pose estimation using the Iterative Closest Point (ICP) algorithm, aligning point clouds for accurate reconstruction. This dynamic combination of object identification and pose estimation empowers X-Vision to render augmented information with utmost precision.


RFID Sensing:

X-Vision operates within an office space equipped with state-of-the-art RFID infrastructure for conducting experiments. The system relies on Impinj Speedway Revolution RFID readers, expertly connected to circularly polarized Laird Antennas. We utilize Smartrac's paper RFID tags with Monza 5 IC, which serve as backscattered-signal-based water level sensors. In addition, we employ custom-designed tags equipped with EM 4325 IC to function as temperature sensors. To interface with RFID readers and collect tag data, we implement the Low Level Reader Protocol (LLRP) over the Sllurp Python library. We thoroughly evaluate the performance of the RFID sensing system, taking into account factors such as tag-reader separation and normalized RSSI scores. Through rigorous study, we establish the working ranges between the camera and target objects, as well as between tagged objects and readers. This ensures reliable visualization and top-notch sensing quality.


Prepare to be amazed by X-Vision, an unparalleled augmented vision system that seamlessly overlays physical objects with 3D holograms. These holograms are encoded with valuable sensing information captured from tag sensors attached to everyday objects. In this article, we showcase the remarkable capabilities of X-Vision through two testing cases: water level sensing and temperature sensing. Additionally, we conduct experiments to evaluate the pose estimation pipeline and determine the working range of the system. The research and development of X-Vision offer immense promise in revolutionizing various domains and enhancing user experiences through the seamless integration of augmented reality, object recognition, and RFID sensing technologies.



#XVision #AugmentedReality #RFID #ObjectRecognition #PoseEstimation #SmartEnvironment



1. Sun, Y., Kantareddy, S.N.R., Bhattacharyya, R., & Sarma, S.E. (2017). X-Vision: An Enhanced Augmented Reality Visualization Tool. Auto-ID Labs, MIT.

2. Agrawal, A., Anderson, G.J., Shi, M., & Chierichetti, R. (2018). Tangible play surface using passive RFID sensor array. CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.

3. Ayala, A., Guerrero, G., Mateu, J., Casades, L., & Alam´an, X. (2015). Virtual touch flystick and primbox: Two case studies of mixed reality for teaching geometry. International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence.


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[All images are taken from Google Search or respective reference sites.]


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Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Presenting the Virtual Smart Phone: Uniting the Physical and Virtual Realms


Effectual communication is crucial for conveying ideas and sentiments among individuals. As human beings, we heavily depend on verbal communication to engage with one another. This article introduces the Virtual Smart Phone (VSP), a wearable gadget that acts as a bridge between the physical and virtual dimensions. By integrating a compact projector, camera, speaker, microphone, and cloud computing technology, the VSP enables communication through natural hand movements, gestures, and the internet. Users can interact with a virtual mobile phone using touch gestures, radio waves, and cloud computing technology, eliminating the necessity for physical mobile phones.


The VSP revolutionizes our reliance on conventional mobile phones, presenting a fresh and instinctive approach to seamless communication. Users can initiate calls by simply touching their palm and relish multimedia content on their palm or wrist. Touch gestures serve as directives for establishing communication between different users.


Recent advances in sensing and display technologies have unveiled possibilities for diverse multi-touch and gesture-based interactive systems. These systems enable users to directly interact with information through touch and natural hand gestures. While several methods allow us to connect with the digital world using multi-touch and gesture-based interactions in controlled environments, most of them lack mobility. Moreover, compact mobile devices fail to provide the same intuitive experience as full-sized gestural systems.

Furthermore, existing systems often segregate our interaction with digital devices from the physical world surrounding us. In this article, we introduce the Virtual Smart Phone (VSP), a multi-touch and gesture-based interaction system that replaces physical mobile phones. The VSP enables virtual multi-touch and natural gesture-based interactions on the user's palm, facilitating communication with other digital devices over the network. By transforming the human hand into a mobile phone, the VSP allows users to connect with the digital world as well as their friends and relatives.


The VSP is a wearable device based on computer vision and a gestural information interface that enriches the physical world with digital information. It employs natural hand gestures as the mechanism for interacting with this information.


Related Work:

Numerous multi-touch interaction and mobile device products or research prototypes have emerged, empowering users to manipulate user interface components directly through touch and natural hand gestures. However, many of these systems rely on physical touch-based interactions with screens and fail to recognize and incorporate touch-independent freehand gestures. The VSP takes a distinct approach, striving to make the digital aspect of our lives more intuitive, interactive, and natural. It encompasses a plethora of intricate technologies integrated into a portable device. By incorporating connectivity, the VSP delivers instantaneous and pertinent visual information projected onto any object users interact with. The technology heavily relies on hand augmented reality, gesture recognition, computer vision-based algorithms, and more.


Augmented Reality:

Augmented reality (AR) pertains to enhancing the live view of the physical world with computer-generated imagery. It modifies reality in real-time by incorporating virtual elements into the user's environment. By harnessing advanced AR technology, such as computer vision and object recognition, the VSP superimposes digital information onto the physical world. This interactive and digitally employable information about the user's surroundings can be stored and retrieved as an information layer. Contemporary smartphones, equipped with potent CPUs, cameras, accelerometers, GPS, and solid-state compasses, serve as promising platforms for augmented reality applications.


Gesture Recognition:

Gesture recognition is a field that concentrates on interpreting human gestures using mathematical algorithms. These gestures can originate from any bodily motion or state, frequently occurring in the face or hand. Gesture recognition finds various applications, such as emotion recognition from facial expressions and hand gesture recognition. Computer vision algorithms and cameras are often employed to interpret sign language and analyze human body language. By recognizing gestures, computers can establish a more natural and extensive interface with humans, surpassing traditional input devices like keyboards and mice.

Future Directions:

The Virtual Smart Phone (VSP) is still an emerging technology with immense potential for future development. As the technology advances, it can be integrated with other devices and systems to enrich user experiences and redefine communication. Future iterations may encompass voice command recognition, expanded gesture recognition capabilities, and enhanced projection and display technologies. Additionally, the integration of artificial intelligence algorithms can further amplify the VSP's functionality and responsiveness.



The Virtual Smart Phone (VSP) introduces a new paradigm for communication and interaction with the digital world. By transforming the human hand into a virtual mobile phone, the VSP enables seamless communication through touch gestures, movements, and the internet. With its compact size and array of integrated technologies, the VSP offers an intuitive and immersive experience, obviating the need for physical mobile phones. As the technology evolves further, the VSP holds enormous potential for revolutionizing communication and connectivity in our everyday lives.



#VirtualSmartPhone, #WearableTechnology, #GestureBasedInteraction, #AugmentedReality, #ComputerVision, #DataTransfer, #CommunicationTechnology



1. "Virtual Smart Phone | Seminar Report and PPT for CSE Students" -



2. Mathias Kolsch, Matthew Turk. "Keyboards without keyboards: a survey of virtual keyboards."

   Department of Computer Science, University of California at Santa Barbara, CA.


3. Additional research articles, papers, and resources can be found by conducting a comprehensive search on the topic of "Virtual Smart Phone" or related terms.


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[All images are taken from Google Search or respective reference sites.]

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Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Android-Based Application for VESIT Library


This article presents a cutting-edge mobile application for the VESIT Library system, specifically designed to offer college students a convenient means of accessing and exploring the extensive assortment of books available in the library. Through this application, students can effortlessly browse book details, including their borrowed books, and verify the availability of specific titles. Constructed on the secure SQL Server 2000 database and leveraging the Laravel framework, this user-friendly interface simplifies the library experience, eliminating the need for physical perusal. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the technical intricacies behind this application.



Android, an open-source operating system, has brought about a revolution in the technological landscape ever since the unveiling of its initial beta version, the Android Software Development Kit (SDK), in 2007. Harnessing the potential of this Linux-based system, the VESIT Library Android application was crafted to enhance the library functionalities for both faculty and students of the Vivekanand Education Society's Institute of Technology (VESIT). The prime objectives of this application encompass streamlining the book issuance process, reducing waiting times for students, and facilitating easy exploration of the library's extensive collection of books and journals.





The VESIT Library prides itself on housing an extensive collection of 9,334 titles and 47,221 volumes, encompassing both national and international publications. The library comprises two distinct sections:


1. Reference Section:

Within this section, students have the privilege of borrowing one book at a time against their Library Identity Card. The books and journals available here are solely intended for in-library reading. Additionally, students can gain access to question papers from previous examinations conducted by the University of Mumbai.


2. Lending Section:

In this section, students are permitted to borrow a maximum of two textbooks, generally for a week. Failure to return a book within the specified time period incurs a fine. The VESIT Library Android Application bridges the gap between conventional library operations and modern technology, catering to the common needs of students associated with the library.


Key Features and Functionalities:


1. Issued Book Status:

Empowers users with information regarding their borrowed books, including details such as the book's title, date of issuance, and expected return date.


2. Availability of Books:

Enables users to check the availability of specific books, providing author information and the total number of copies.


3. Reference:

Facilitates seamless access to various online journals by furnishing students with usernames and passwords.


4. Library Timings:

Displays the precise opening and closing timings of the library, ensuring students are well-informed about the operational hours.


Requirements and Scope:


The VESIT Library Android application was meticulously developed with the objective of offering students and staff members a swift and hassle-free means of accessing library resources, thereby minimizing transaction times in the lending section. The application effectively addresses common challenges encountered during peak hours, such as long queues and unavailability of books. By providing comprehensive information on book availability, including author details, the application empowers students and aids library staff in rendering efficient support. The application also serves as a gateway to various online reference sites and is continuously updated to accommodate the ever-growing collection of books in the library.


System Description:


The VESIT Library Android application is readily available on the Google Play Store and necessitates an internet connection to access the college library database. This application securely communicates with the database server using the Laravel framework (version 5.3), leveraging the MVC (Model-View-Controller) pattern[^1^]. The college library utilizes MS SQL 2000 as the underlying database for efficient data storage and management.

Upon launching the application, users are greeted with a login screen, as depicted in Figure 4.3, which requires them to log in using their respective college email accounts. Upon successful login, users are directed to the home screen, featuring a navigation tab that allows seamless switching between different fragments within the application. These fragments include:


1. Issued Book Status

2. Availability of Books

3. Reference

4. Library Timings

5. About App

6. About Developers

7. Disclaimer

Opting for the "Issued Book Status" option presents users with a fragment, as shown in Figure 4.4, displaying detailed information about the books currently borrowed by the user.


The displayed information includes:

1. Book Title

2. Date of Issuance

3. Return Date

By selecting the "Availability of Books" fragment, users gain access to a screen divided into horizontally scrollable tabs, each dedicated to a specific department. Each tab presents a list view of available books within that department. Choosing a book opens a detailed view, as shown in Figure 4.6, providing information on the book's title and the total number of copies available in the library. This feature enables students to prioritize their book selection based on urgency.

The "Reference" fragment offers direct links to online journals accessible from the college, along with the corresponding usernames and passwords, as depicted in Figure 4.7. This empowers students to conveniently leverage the college's online resources through their smartphones.

The "Library Timings" fragment, depicted in Figure 4.8, showcases the precise timings of the library. This information holds paramount importance, particularly for first-year students who may be unfamiliar with the library's schedule. The timing screen is regularly updated to reflect any changes, ensuring students remain well-informed.

Additional fragments, catering to various functionalities, include:

1. About App

2. About Developers

3. Disclaimer


The "About App" fragment furnishes users with comprehensive information about the application, including the build number, changelog highlighting new features, and a rate button for users to provide feedback on the Play Store. The "About Developers" fragment sheds light on the identities of the student developers who played a pivotal role in creating the application. Lastly, the "Disclaimer" fragment outlines important points for users to consider while utilizing the application.



The VESIT Library Android Application strives to provide real-time information on the status of library books to students and staff members. While offering enhanced security and a plethora of useful features, the application does have certain limitations. Due to the operational hours of the college library's MS SQL database, the application can only be utilized between 8 am to 6 pm. Recent updates have been introduced to further enhance the application, including features such as book search by tags, book reissuing functionality, the ability to view previously borrowed books with their respective due dates, access to international journal lists, book return date notifications, Mumbai University syllabus viewing, and access to previous years' question papers.


Future plans for the application encompass integrating the Mumbai University Syllabus for Engineering, providing information about college festivals, important events, and seminars, thereby facilitating easy access for students.



#VESITLibrary #AndroidApplication #CollegeLibrary #BookManagement #LibrarySystem




1. Laravel Documentation: []

2. Android Developer Guide: []


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[All images are taken from Google Search or respective reference sites.]


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