
Friday, July 21, 2023

A Revolutionary Deep Belief Neural Network Utilizing Silicon Memristive Synapses


About Topic In Short:


Institute Name - Technion–Israel Institute of Technology and the Peng Cheng Laboratory; Authors - Shahar Kvatinsky and colleagues.


Innovation or Research: A neuromorphic computing system supporting deep belief neural networks (DBNs) based on silicon memristive synapses.


The system utilizes silicon-based memristors to emulate human brain synapses, overcoming the limitations of memristor availability by using a commercially available Flash technology engineered to behave like a memristor. The system is specifically tested with a binary-based DBN that eliminates the need for data conversions.


In the realm of Artificial Intelligence (AI), considerable strides have been made; however, the challenge remains with energy-intensive training and computation on conventional hardware. To tackle this obstacle, researchers from Technion–Israel Institute of Technology and the Peng Cheng Laboratory have crafted a neuromorphic computing system that empowers Deep Belief Neural Networks (DBNs), a profound class of deep learning models. This groundbreaking system harnesses silicon-based memristors, remarkable energy-efficient devices proficient in information storage and processing. Within this article, we embark on the journey of unveiling the intricate process that births this innovative deep belief neural network, driven by silicon memristive synapses.


Comprehending Memristors and Neuromorphic Computing:

Behold memristors, these electrical components wield dominion over electrical current in circuits while retaining the charge that courses through their core. In their likeness to human brain synapses, they proffer a captivating substitute for running AI models. Embracing neuromorphic computing with memristors has confronted challenges, chiefly the scarcity of memristive technology and the exorbitant cost of converting analog computations to digital data and back.


Conquering Obstacles and Constructing the Neuromorphic System:

The valiant efforts of Shahar Kvatinsky and his adept team have brought forth a neuromorphic computing system fashioned from commercially available Flash technology sourced from Tower Semiconductor. Ingeniously tweaked to mimic memristors, this technology overcomes the scarcity conundrum. Furthermore, a carefully selected, freshly devised DBN epitomizes the system, inherently processing binary input and output data, eradicating the necessity for conversions.


Comprehending Deep Belief Neural Networks (DBNs):

Glorious DBNs, a splendid breed of generative and graphical deep learning models, bear gifts of uniqueness unlike conventional deep neural networks. Behold their training, wherein the accumulation of desired model updates occurs, only to be unleashed upon reaching a specific threshold. The artistry of DBNs, adorned in simplicity and binary essence, renders them irresistible for hardware implementation.


Crafting Artificial Synapses with Memristive Silicon:

Employing wondrous commercial complementary-metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) processes, the researchers forge artificial synapses of the silicon-based memristive kin. These gifted synapses boast a cornucopia of splendid traits - analog tunability, unyielding endurance, longevity of retention, foretold cycling degradation, and moderate variance across devices.


Dazzling Demonstration of the Neuromorphic System:

Wondrous feats ensue as the team demonstrates the system's might, training a restricted Boltzmann machine - a DBN variant - to partake in pattern recognition. Behold, a dazzling spectacle, for the model attains resplendent accuracy, surpassing 97% recognition in the realm of handwritten digits, all thanks to the Y-Flash endowed memristors.


A Glimpse into Energy-Efficient AI Systems:

The heralding of this novel architecture sets forth a path ablaze with promise - the path leading to heightened energy efficiency among AI systems, most notably in the realms of restricted Boltzmann machines and assorted DBNs. The scalable wonder of this architecture bequeaths the world with opportunities aplenty, beckoning the exploration of additional memristive realms and a cornucopia of neural network architectures.


Thus Speak Authors/Experts:

Shahar Kvatinsky and his venerable comrades herald the significance of their neuromorphic marvel built upon silicon memristive synapses. Their clarion call resounds through the halls of science, championing the conquest of limitations surrounding memristive technology and the golden gateway to vanquish the costly converters that mar digital and analog domains. A splendid symphony unfolds as a DBN arises, wreathed in accuracy, bearing testament to the resplendent practicality and operational prowess of this visionary system.



Behold, the unveiling of a deep belief neural network birthed from the heart of silicon memristive synapses heralds a triumph for neuromorphic computing. As we embrace memristors' bewitching prowess, a more energy-efficient era of AI model training and execution emerges. The horizon of possibility stretches far and wide, for the architecture's scope transcends to bolder heights, promising untold wonders in the realm of AI and the boundless possibilities of neuromorphic systems.


Image Gallery

Deep Belief Neural Network

Memristors measured in a probe station. Credit: Technion Spokespers

All Images Credit: from References/Resources sites [Internet]



#DeepBeliefNeuralNetwork #SiliconMemristiveSynapses #NeuromorphicComputing #AI #MachineLearning #EnergyEfficiency #Technion #PengChengLaboratory #DBN #RestrictedBoltzmannMachine






4.       Wei Wang et al, "A memristive deep belief neural network based on silicon synapses," Nature Electronics (2022). DOI: 10.1038/s41928-022-00878-9


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 …till next post, bye-bye and take-care.

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