
Saturday, July 22, 2023

Design for Artificial Intelligence (DfAI) Framework: An Unprecedented Leap in AI-Embedded Engineering Design


About Topic In Short:


Institute Name: Carnegie Mellon University. Authors: Chris McComb and Glen Williams


Design for Artificial Intelligence (DfAI) Framework for integrating AI into engineering design from the beginning, enabling breakthrough improvements in technology development.


The DfAI framework comprises three key components - DfAI Personnel, DfAI Applications, and DfAI Framework, addressing AI literacy, engineering system redesign, and enhancing AI development in engineering.




This insightful piece delves into the revolutionary "Design for Artificial Intelligence" (DfAI) framework, a collaborative masterpiece crafted by ingenious minds at Carnegie Mellon University and Penn State University. It delves into the complexities involved in seamlessly integrating AI into engineering design, underscoring the indispensable role that engineers must play in grasping the specialized domain of DfAI.


The Genesis of the DfAI Framework:

The genesis of the DfAI framework can be traced back to an epiphany that struck the researchers amidst the ever-evolving landscape of engineering design and manufacturing. They confronted the undeniable truth that there was a dearth of engineers equipped with expertise in both engineering system design and artificial intelligence. Thus, recognizing the immense possibilities that AI held for engineering design, they embraced the challenge of creating a distinctive discipline to unlock unprecedented advancements.


The Visionaries: Chris McComb and Glen Williams:

The pioneers at the helm of the DfAI framework's inception were none other than the illustrious Chris McComb and the trailblazer Glen Williams. As an associate professor of mechanical engineering, Chris McComb ardently emphasized the imperative of entwining AI into the very fabric of the engineering design process, rather than viewing it as a mere appendage to existing systems.


Glen Williams, a former protégé of McComb and now the principal scientist at Re:Build Manufacturing, eloquently exemplified the framework's significance through a hypothetical scenario of two companies engaged in mass-producing electric aircraft. While Company A opted for the traditional manual approach to hasten market entry and profitability, Company B embarked on a data-rich journey, capturing intelligence throughout the design's lifecycle. With time, Company B's data-driven paradigm resulted in monumental cost reductions and an unparalleled competitive edge over Company A.


The Pillars of the DfAI Framework:

At the core of the DfAI framework stand three pillars that are critical to its success: engineering designers, design repository curators, and AI developers. These roles are intertwined and synergistic, with engineering designers acting as adept problem solvers, proficient in both engineering constraints and AI algorithms. Design repository curators take on the mantle of database maintainers, armed with extensive engineering design and manufacturing acumen, providing design engineers with invaluable data management tools that cater to both current and future demands. In parallel, AI developers thrive as visionaries, envisioning, creating, marketing, and incessantly refining AI software products that empower design engineers to soar to unprecedented heights.


The Boundless Applications of DfAI:

The DfAI framework transcends the confines of any particular engineering discipline, resonating across the vast expanse of the engineering design process. It unfurls a path to progress, with its compass pointing toward three cardinal directions: elevating AI literacy in the industry, reimagining engineering systems to seamlessly accommodate AI integration, and fostering the evolution of the engineering AI development process.


Thus Speak Authors/Experts:

Chris McComb passionately advocates for AI integration at the very core of design engineers' operations, negating any notion of AI being an afterthought. He firmly believes that the future of design and manufacturing rests upon empowering engineers with cutting-edge AI-integrated software.


Glen Williams underscores the significance of laying the foundation through comprehensive frameworks, unified terminology, and well-documented principles. Such endeavors foster an interconnected community of AI engineers hailing from diverse engineering applications, industries, technologies, and scales of operation, poised to collaborate in unparalleled ways.



The DfAI framework signifies an epoch-making milestone in engineering design and AI integration. A testament to collaborative research and visionary insight, it paves the way for illuminating discussions on the future of AI in engineering. With the adoption of DfAI principles, industries stand to unlock transformative advancements, giving birth to a new era of innovative, sustainable, and immensely profitable technology.


Image Gallery

DfAI Principles

DfAI Principles (Credit: Carnegie Mellon Unviersity, College of Engineering)

All Images Credit: from References/Resources sites [Internet]


Chris McComb presents this work via the ASME Journal of Computing & Information Science in Engineering in the following video. 

Hashtag/Keyword/Labels list:

#DfAI #ArtificialIntelligenceEngineering #EngineeringDesign #AIIntegration #BreakthroughImprovements #CarnegieMellonUniversity #PennStateUniversity #ChrisMcComb #GlenWilliams #DataDrivenDesign #AIEngineers #InterconnectedCommunity #AdditiveManufacturing #Aerospace #MedicalDevices #IoT #SmartDevices





3. ASME Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering


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…till next post, bye-bye and take-care.

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