
Friday, July 14, 2017

Review: Arduino Based Solar Tracker System

The conventional energy is harvested to keep the earth safe, and one such system is Solar Panel which converts solar energy into home-serve power supply. But the efficiency and accuracy of harvesting is increased by adding solar tracker module to above system.


Objective: Constructing a system which tracks sun throughout day to get maximum sun light exposure and thus increases overall capacity of system to give useful power output. Note that the system needs proper positioning arrangement mechanism as per size of solar panel and rotor motors.

Methodology is very simple two servo motors are fitted to solar panel arrangements and controlled their movement for maximum sun light exposure. Four light sensor or LDR [light dependent Resistor] are used to detect light in panel vicinity and fed to Controller Module for further processing. The Controller Module decides in which direction solar panel arrangement has to move and accordingly sends signals to rotating motors.


¾    Used in solar tracking systems.

¾    Used in any automation systems with slight modification, such as in home automation system light sensors data is used to switch ON/OFF room lights or adjust position of Sun Blind  Cover or to detect it is day or night so that pet-animals can be feed food automatically [when nobody at home] etc.

Title: Arduino Based Solar Tracker System

External Links:

Keywords: Controller Module, Light Sensor, LDR, Tracker, Motor, Arduino

Note: Click these label/tags to view all related posts. Tags: ProjectReview


…till next post, bye-bye & take care.

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