
Thursday, July 26, 2018

Project List Review: Speech Recog, Heart beat & Bluetooth Based [11+7+8]

Speech Recognition Based [11] Projects List

·         Voice operated intelligent Lift or Elevator

·         Voice actuated hospital bed control system. Very useful in operation of selected bed

·         movements and room environment functions associated with a provided multi-function hospital bed

·         Zigbee based wireless Voice to Text translator in Airlines/Hospital assistant system for blind/Illiterates.

·         Speech recognition based password enabled device switching for blind and physically challenged.

·         Voice commands based wheel chair for physically challenged.

·         Speech recognition based wheel chair operation and wireless home devices control system

·         Voice activated multi purpose robot

·         Voice recognition and voice guidance based GPS turn-by-turn navigator for blind with ultrasonic obstacle avoidance.

·         Voice enable device switching for physically challenged and emergency alerts through SMS.

·        Speech recognition system based powered devices control system


Heart Beat Based [7] Projects List

·         Cardiac Sentinel: A smart GSM based embedded solution for continuous remote monitoring of cardiac patients.

·         GPS and GSM based Real-time Human Health Monitoring and Alert System for Cardiac patients.

·         RFID and 2GB SD/MMC card based patient data monitoring system with PC interface.

·         Wireless Heartbeat Monitoring and Alert system.

·         Heart beat monitoring with display on LCD.

·         Microcontroller based Heartbeat Monitor with Display on pc.

·        Wireless touch screen based heartbeat monitoring of multiple patients


Bluetooth Based [8] Projects List

·         Bluetooth based advanced wireless home automation system.

·         Android Smart Phone operated Intelligent Home.

·         Bluetooth Energy Meter.

·         Google Android Smart phone operated Motor Control System.

·         Android operated Intelligent 230v AC Lamp Dimmer.

·         Smart phone based data logger

·         J2ME Java phone controlled Home Automation

·        J2ME Java Enabled mobile phone controlled Bluetooth Robot


Title: Speech Recog, Heart beat & Bluetooth Based Projects List for Engineering [Academic] students

External Links: Sooxma Technologies


Note: Click these label/tags to view all related posts. Tags: ProjectListReview


…till next post, bye-bye & take care.

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