
Saturday, July 21, 2018

Project List Review: Touch Screen & GPRS Based [23+13]

Touch Screen Based [23] Projects List

·         Touch Screen based communication assistant in Airlines using high speed CAN communication

·         Universal remote controller with haptic interface for customer electronic devices

·         Solar-Assisted wireless communication assistant for Dumb/Illiterates in Airlines

·         Talking Touch Home (TTH).

·         Microcontroller and Zigbee based wireless chat/communication system with Touch screen keyboard.

·         Touch screen and Smart Card based prepaid Ticket booking system with automatic seat allocation.

·         Microcontroller and Touch screen based wireless library book catalog system

·         Touch screen based home automation with door controlling.

·         Design and development of Touch screen Mobile phone with GPRS features to store the contacts in to Predefined website permanently.

·         Touch screen and Zigbee based wireless communication assistant for Dumb and illiterates in Airlines

·         Touch screen based advanced menu display and Ordering System for Restaurants.

·         Touch screen and Zigbee based advanced automation system for next generation apartments.

·         Touch screen and Zigbee based library automation using RFID.

·         Touch screen based wheel chair control system.

·         Image based password authentication for Illiterates with Touch screen.

·         Touch screen based Nurse/attendant calling system for physically impaired.

·         Touch screen based Digital Slate for next generation elementary school children.

·         Touch screen based remote controlled robot with wireless video camera.

·        Zigbee/Bluetooth and Touch screen Controlled PC.

·         Construction of Touch screen based portable Digital Clock.

·         Touch screen controlled lamp dimmer for next generation apartments.

·         Touch screen operated Volumetric Oil Dispenser.

·         Touch screen based temperature monitoring and control system with graphical LCD.


GPRS Based [13] Projects List

·         Remote patient monitoring system with GPRS Sooxma website.

·         Design and development of Touch screen Mobile phone with GPRS features to store the contacts in to Predefined website permanently.

·         GPRS based real time data logger onto live website ( with SMS based real time device control

·         Remote home monitoring through internet and controlling using RF.

·         GPRS based real-time Home/Industrial critical devices status information logger into

·         Online data logging of device status and temperature using GPRS.

·         Online library book catalog with RFID technology.

·         GPS and GSM based real-time vehicle tracking on Google Earth (with two GSM Modems)

·         Student data logging system into college website based on RFID.

·         Medical parameters monitoring on live website

·         Student data logging system into college website based on RFID.

·         Online library book catalog with RFID technology.

·         Online library book catalog with RFID technology


Title: Touch Screen & GPRS Based Projects List for Engineering [Academic] students

External Links: Sooxma Technologies


Note: Click these label/tags to view all related posts. Tags: ProjectListReview


…till next post, bye-bye & take care.

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