
Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Introducing the Finger Sleeve: An Advanced Wearable Navigation Device


This article presents a groundbreaking wearable navigation system, accompanied by an implicit Human-Computer Interaction (iHCI) model, seamlessly integrating technology into daily activities. Unlike traditional models, this iHCI model foresees and proactively responds to user actions, reducing the need for explicit attention. While conventional navigation systems rely on voice-guided or visual prompts on mobile devices, our system utilizes haptic perception to guide users during their journeys. The Finger Sleeve, a wearable device worn on the index finger, incorporates vibrator modules, a Bluetooth communication module, and a Microcontroller Unit (MCU).


Wearable computing enables individuals to don computational devices, catering to specific use cases such as smart eyewear, smartwatches, and health monitoring headsets. The advent of wearable devices like Google Glass, Fitbit Flex, Nike Fuel Band, LG Life Band, and Oculus Rift has ushered in significant technological advancements in wearable computing in the 21st century. These body-mounted devices provide real-time monitoring of various activities.


The success of a wearable navigation device relies on accurate navigational signaling and unobtrusive interaction. The Implicit Human Computer Interaction (iHCI) model eliminates the need for direct interaction with the computing system, prioritizing limited visual attention as a design objective for wearable input [1], [2], [3]. The Finger Sleeve, a wearable navigation device, collaborates with Android smartphones. Since Android operating systems dominate the consumer market, we have selected Android smartphones as the platform for our GPS navigator. The Finger Sleeve seamlessly integrates with a navigation application running on an Android OS-based smartphone, facilitating effortless navigation throughout a journey.


Furthermore, when driving or biking, users can rely on the Finger Sleeve for real-time directions, eliminating the constant need to check their smartphones. This not only saves time but also prevents unnecessary distractions and potential hazards. The primary goals of this paper are (1) to establish the feasibility of the Finger Sleeve, (2) to provide a proof-of-concept for hands-free navigation using the Finger Sleeve, and (3) to validate the potential benefits of the Finger Sleeve in real-life scenarios.


Design of the Finger Sleeve:

This section discusses the abstract design of the Finger Sleeve. The operational system comprises two main components:


a) Android OS-based Smartphone Application

b) The Finger Sleeve device


High-Level Design of the Finger Sleeve:

The working prototype of the Finger Sleeve consists of four modules, each responsible for specific operations:


1. HC-05: This module facilitates wireless data transmission between the Finger Sleeve and the Android OS-based smartphone. Alternatively, a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) module can be utilized.


2. Arduino Nano: Equipped with the ATmega168 microcontroller and 16KB memory, the Arduino Nano performs computational tasks.


3. Micro Vibrators: Two micro vibrators provide vibrational cues for respective directions, enabling haptic navigation. Each vibrator corresponds to a specific navigational signal, such as right or left.


4. Li-ion Rechargeable Battery Pack: This battery pack powers the Arduino Nano. With a rechargeable capability to maintain 80% capacity after 800 cycles, it ensures long-lasting performance. The compact size of the battery pack, micro vibrators, Microcontroller Unit (MCU), and Bluetooth module enables comfortable wearability of the Finger Sleeve.


The design characteristics of the Finger Sleeve prioritize straightforward operation, context-aware input, and social acceptance, drawing inspiration from Rekimoto's guidelines for unobtrusive wearable technology. The micro vibrators are discreetly embedded within the sleeve, with one positioned on the left side and the other on the right side of the finger. Figure below illustrates the arrangement of the micro vibrators. Ideally, the finger sleeve should be worn on the proximal phalanx and partially on the proximal inter-phalangeal joint, ensuring user comfort and a seamless interaction experience.

Android OS-based Smartphone Application:

We have developed a Bluetooth communication module as a mobile application compatible with Android OS version 4.0 and above. This application establishes a connection between the Finger Sleeve and the smartphone. Leveraging the map service provided by Google APIs, the Android application triggers the micro vibrators to provide navigational cues. An example scenario is depicted in below Figure.

Before launching the application, a few prerequisites need to be fulfilled on the smartphone:


1. Enable Bluetooth and pair the Finger Sleeve with the smartphone. Subsequent Bluetooth connections will be established automatically once paired.


2. Activate the GPS functionality on the smartphone.


3. Wear the Finger Sleeve on the index finger.


The Android OS-based smartphone application operates according to the following steps:


1. Launch the application.


2. Set the destination point on the map.


3. Automatically generate a navigational path on the map (performed by the application).


4. Activate the Finger Sleeve to receive navigational signals.


5. Initiate the transmission of navigational signals to the Finger Sleeve.


6. Continuously monitor the user's changing position.


7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 until the user reaches the destination or explicitly closes the application.


8. Terminate the application.


During normal operation, the aforementioned algorithm is followed, as depicted in the sequence diagram presented in Figure 4. We have successfully conducted experiments with the working prototype of the Finger Sleeve, and initial user feedback has been positive. Once the Finger Sleeve undergoes productization, its underlying hardware modules will become virtually invisible, making it an aesthetically appealing and discreet wearable device. The navigation android application is performing as expected. Together, the android application and Finger Sleeve form a comprehensive navigation system.



This article has presented experimental results and an in-depth analysis of the Finger Sleeve prototype for navigation during walking and driving tasks. The Finger Sleeve, a wearable navigational assistant, demonstrates its potential as an effective navigational beacon. Preliminary studies regarding user reactions and the feasibility of using such wearable navigation devices suggest that the Finger Sleeve is user-friendly and suitable for contemporary navigational requirements.


This navigational system serves as a foundation for numerous applications that can be built upon the basic version, including:


1. Media controller for smartphones.

2. Wearable pointing device.

3. Customizable keys to augment mouse input.

4. Integration with obstacle detection systems to assist the visually impaired.


#FingerSleeve #WearableNavigation #ImplicitHCI #HapticPerception #WearableComputing



1. Pasquero, Jerome, Scott J. Stobbe, and Noel Stonehouse. "A haptic wristwatch for eyes-free interactions."

2. Perrault, Simon T., et al. "Watchit: simple gestures and eyes-free interaction for wristwatches and bracelets."

3. Nanayakkara, Suranga, et al. "EyeRing: a finger-worn input device for seamless interactions with our surroundings."

4. Albrecht Schmidt, "Implicit Human Computer Interaction Through Context."


For more such Seminar articles click index – Computer Science Seminar Articles list-2023.

[All images are taken from Google Search or respective reference sites.]


…till next post, bye-bye and take care.

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