
Friday, December 23, 2016

Review: Arduino Based Voice Controlled Automation System

A mini project for beginner to make LEDs ON/OFF by voice command given at Bluetooth enabled Mobile Phone end Wirelessly. It can be constructed using bread-board, Arduino Board and easily available components from electronics labs or Shops such as a Bluetooth Module, and Bluetooth Enabled Mobile Phone at user end [with voice search facility] etc.

Objective: To control or switch ON/OFF LEDs connected to Arduino Board wirelessly using voice command speaks at Mobile End via Bluetooth channel. Note that voice recognition modules are not used at either ends, user end or at Arduino board end.


Learning Curve

The Phone’s Mobile App is used to send voice command via Bluetooth channel to automation end for processing purpose in text format.

The Bluetooth Module interface is done with Arduino Board to receive voice command in text format and switch ON/OFF LEDs.

The Arduino board is used as Controller Module while building this system.


The system is used for automation purpose: such as home/work-place automation, robot movements’ control, garage door control by mobile, wireless main gate door control etc.


Arduino Based Wireless Voice Controlled Automation System

Arduino Based Bluetooth Controlled Automation System

External Links:
Keywords: Arduino, Bluetooth, App, LED

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…till next post, bye-bye & take care.

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