
Friday, December 16, 2016

Review: Arduino Based Wireless RGB LED control System

A mini project for beginner to make RGB LEDs control as change command is given at Bluetooth enabled Mobile Phone Wirelessly via Application program. It can be constructed using bread-board, Arduino Board and easily available components from electronics labs or Shops such as a Bluetooth Module, and Bluetooth Enabled Mobile Phone at user end [with Color Change App installed] etc.

Objective: To control or change RGB LEDs hue connected to Arduino Board using command wirelessly at Mobile End via Bluetooth channel. Note that PWM or Pulse Width Modulation technique is used at board end to change hue of RGB LED color.


Learning Curve

The Phone's Mobile App is used to send hue change command via Bluetooth channel to automation end wirelessly for processing purpose.

The Bluetooth Module interface is done with Arduino Board to receive hue change command and change RGB LEDs color accordingly.

The PWM technique is used to vary the color of RGB or Red-Green-Blue LED.

The Arduino board is used as Controller Module while building this system.


The system is used for automation purpose: such as home/work-place decoration by mobile wirelessly etc.

Title:Arduino Based Wireless RGB LED control System

         Bluetooth Based RGB LED Hue Control System

Keywords: Arduino, Bluetooth, App, RGB LED

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…till next post, bye-bye & take care.

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