
Friday, December 9, 2016

Review: Smoke Detector System


Title: Smoke/Gas Detector and Alarm System

Usually all premises or habitat needs Smoke Detector as they are fire hazardous places [as they contain power supply or fire] and easily vulnerable to such catastrophic. Smoke Detector indicates the presence of smoke in early stage, which may leads to fire hazards [i.e., assumed that smoke comes before any fire accident].

Since all offices, apartments, shopping malls, industries are using smoke detecting modules for early warning, they are available cheaply as manufactured in large quantity.

Construction of Smoke/Gas Sensor is simple: Light Source LED and Light Detector LDR pair are placed in container such that when gas/smoke in vicinity obstructs the LED light falls on photo cell and thus output of module goes high/low. This information is further processed by next stage and gives an alarm indication or sound. Note that other type Smoke detector uses ionization method to detect gas in its vicinity.

Note that depend upon the sensor and its output, driving circuit is constructed. For details of the sensor, one has to refer manufacturer's data sheets. Usually Gas/Smoke sensors are small in size and are sensitive to LPG, Alcohol, Butane, Methane, Smoke and other normally used industrial gases.


Objective: Designing the Smoke Detector N Alarm/Indicator System using Smoke Sensor, some other discrete components and a Comparator IC.

The small Smoke Detector is connected to Non-inverting end of Comparator Circuit and ICs Inverting end is connected with Potentiometer to adjust sensitivity of the System. The output of the Comparator IC is fed to Indicator LED or Alarm circuit.


Usually Smoke/Gas Detector and Alarm Systems are used in Buildings, Institutes, Industries, Warehouses, Apartments, and Shopping Malls etc.

External Links:

- Smoke Detector Circuit


Keywords: MQ-2 Sensor, LM358, Op Amp

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…till next post, bye-bye & take care.

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