
Friday, July 7, 2017

Review: Arduino Based DC Motor Control System


When not so precision control is needed DC motors are used, such as in robotics, industrial machines, CNC machines, Security camera controls, automation gadgets, sophisticated toys etc.


Objective: To construct an add-on system which shows how DC motor rotates, when user press switch meant for that and speed is varied by rotating external potentiometer.

Note that here DC motor is directly driven by motor driver built using transistors and needs such motor for interface purpose.

Methodology is simple; a switch is provided for direction change purpose and pot or potentiometer for speed control. The Controller Module drives the DC Motor using Driver Module built using power transistors in H-Bridge fashion. User presses switch to change rotation direction of DC motor and rotates pot for speed control.


¾    Used wherever DC motor with rotation change is needed, such as toys, discs, pump, etc.

¾    This add-on module can be used in bigger systems viz., home/industrial automation systems, solar tracking system, robotics etc.

Title: Arduino Based DC Motor Control System

External Links:

Keywords: Controller Module, Pot or Potentiometer, DC Motor, Driver Module, 2N2222, Arduino

Note: Click these label/tags to view all related posts. Tags: ProjectReview


…till next post, bye-bye & take care.

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