
Thursday, August 24, 2017

Kit Review: 4 Channel Petrochemical Fire Monitoring System

The Monitoring systems are very frequently used in all sectors of human working fields. The monitoring systems monitor the intended area and if found any abnormality immediately sends alert signal to user and also takes appropriate actions in monitoring field. The 4 Channel Petrochemical Fire Monitoring System is one such design meant for hazardous work place industries like petrochemical factories, gas filling stations etc.
Objective: The objective is to create a system which monitors the fire hazard areas of petrochemical industry and if found any fire hazard takes appropriate action. 

The working of system goes like this: the system monitors the working area for fire hazardous using fire sensors fitted in fields at appropriate locations. If any fire hazardous occurs, controller module of system takes three actions with the help of its memory resident program. The first action is to send alert SMS after predefined time interval to remote user or authorized person mobile phone. Secondly turn off the respective area load to prevent further damage. Thirdly, controller module program activates water sprinkler to prevent spreading of fire further.

Other two features of the systems are, the system shows current status of system on Display Module for user information purpose and buzzer is activated [not shown] when alarm sound is needed for local alert purpose.

Kit Requires: Kit [mini project], GSM Mobile [for user], Power Supply
Project Provider: kitsguru

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…till next post, bye-bye & take care.

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