
Thursday, August 31, 2017

Kit Review: Automatic Vehicle Turning System

As automation is happening in every filed of life, vehicles are also not left out. The modern vehicles are comes with many high-fidelity features, and one such feature is Automatic Vehicle Turning Indicator system.

Objective: The construction of system which allows user to manually indicating any turning of vehicle on road and also automatically indicating it by activating alarm sound on buzzer and indicating light on indicator LED. 

The system works in two level: in level one when user presses turn button provided on vehicle normal turning lights of vehicle glows; and in level two field sensors fitted at both sides of vehicle senses the turn and automatically activates buzzer sound and blinks Indicator LED simultaneously.


Kit Requires: Kit [mini project], Vehicle or model, Power Supply

Project Provider: kitsguru

Site Link: AutoVehicleTurningIndicator_kitsguru


For your Project Selection Task send request e-mail containing your country, college name, your name, and project name/domain to You can also write comments on below available comment box. It is a paid service!


Note: Click these label/tags to view all related posts. Tags: KitReview


…till next post, bye-bye & take care.

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