
Thursday, October 12, 2017

Kit Review: Digital Multi meter With Temperature Measure System

Today all gadgets are fitted with one or other microcontroller chips. The testing tool Digital Multi-meter has microcontroller chip at its heart. With the help of some discrete components along with memory resident program one can design good digital multi-meter for several parameters measurement.

Objective: The construction of system which allows user to measure several electrical parameters or testing components or finding value of them. 


As the block diagram shows system’s over all layout with all working modules. The range and values of components are measured using basic circuit modules and temperature is measured using specific temperature sensor fitted to input pin of Controller Module. The Buzzer gives alarm sound whenever any component is tested or read and Display Module shows system status or read values on its screen for user information.


Kit Requires: Kit [mini project], Power Supply

Project Provider: kitsguru

Site Link: DigitalMultimeterWithTempSys_kitsguru


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…till next post, bye-bye & take care.

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