
Thursday, November 23, 2017

Kit Review: Fastest Finger First System

The quiz is main attractions in any fun-fair or educational events. The Fastest Finger First System is one such design meant for displaying who pressed the button first among number of participants.

Objective: The objective is to create a system which shows the fastest finger first button press among number or contestants. 




The working of system goes like this: the system is having number of push buttons for pressing action. When quiz host asks the contestants to response quickly by pressing buttons, this system shows who pressed first, second, third and so on. It also glows Indicator LED of first button pressed contestants serial number.


The controller module with the help of its memory resident program does all these monitoring and display actions.


Kit Requires: Kit [mini project], Power Supply

Project Provider: kitsguru

Site Link: FastestFingerFirstSys_kitsguru


For your Project Selection Task send request e-mail containing your country, college name, your name, and project name/domain to Or you click this link for more information. You can also write comments on below available comment box. It is a paid service!


Note: Click these label/tags to view all related posts. Tags: KitReview


…till next post, bye-bye & take care.

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