
Thursday, November 30, 2017

Kit Review: Human Response Time Measurement System

The Monitoring systems are very frequently used in all sectors of human working fields. The monitoring systems monitor and calculate the humans for quicker response time are one such monitor system.

Objective: The objective is to create a system which measures and shows human response time on display. 



The working of system goes like this: the system works in two stages. In first stage the system allows user to monitor a glowing light bulb for its off condition. The light bulb will be switched ON for random time interval and suddenly switched OFF. As soon bulb goes OFF, user has to press intended button for response time register. This stage measures user visual response time. In second stage users audible response time is measured. Here instead of light bulb, buzzer is used to play random interval sound for hearing purpose. As soon sound goes OFF, user has to press response button to register his response for calculation. Thus conducting these two stage tests several times to take average, and thus it is response time of user who participated in the test.


The controller module with the help of its memory resident program does all these monitoring, measuring and result display actions. The randomization of interval and milli-seconds parted response time calculations are done by microcontroller program.


Kit Requires: Kit [mini project], Power Supply

Project Provider: kitsguru

Site Link: HumanRespTimeMeasurement_kitsguru


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…till next post, bye-bye & take care.

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