
Thursday, November 9, 2017

Kit Review: Smart Blind Stick System

The Automation is observed everywhere, so as with physically challenged people. The Blind stick used by blind people can be filled with many features and makes their life more miserable.

Objective: The construction of system which allows its user a blind to find his replaced blind stick or obstacle/rain/.darkness in front of him while walking on road or any place. 


The system works in four level and each acts as a new feature to blind stick. If blind replace his blind stick and could not find, he can press remote button to make it sound and found. The second level feature is if blind is in front of obstacle it makes specific range alarm sound. The third level feature is if blind is in front of water or humidity it makes specific range alarm sound. The fourth level feature is if blind is moving towards darkness system makes specific range alarm sound. The Display Module is used to display current status of system for local around people purpose.


Kit Requires: Kit [mini project], Power Supply

Project Provider: kitsguru

Site Link: SmartBlindStickSys_kitsguru


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…till next post, bye-bye & take care.

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