
Saturday, December 14, 2019

Why this Arduino: A Beginner’s Guide 2nd Edition eBook?

Why this Arduino: A Beginner’s Guide 2nd Edition eBook?
To learn fundamentals of embedded technology using Arduino Platform, whether you are a budding hobbyist or an engineer, doctor or shop owner, or layman or housewife you will benefit from this perfectly paced human-computer interaction journey.
After this basic knowledge of embedded technology user can go to more feature rich development boards [Arduino make or other]. Reader understand how embedded devices works, bit-by byte. After reading this eBook [in pdf format] reader can program his Arduino Board easily with his custom made or own written code. Reader can tweak with hardware, using newly available latest version of sensors, actuators or other similar tools.
How to purchase this Arduino: A Beginner's Guide 2nd Edition eBook?

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The details of this eBook is

Arduino: A Beginner’s Guide 2nd Edition
eBook in PDF format
156 codes compatible with Arduino IDE 1.8.10 & Arduino Uno Board
Total Pages: 634                                   Published Date: 07-01-2020
Price: 7 USD or 499/- Indian Rupees [INR].

Below is the content of this eBook

What is Arduino?
Why Arduino?
It is Standard, but provides enough support?
What can you do with an Arduino?
What are the flavors of Arduino?
How to control Arduino Board?
Is it supports 3rd party modules?
Servo Motor
Robot Platform
LED Matrix
Wi-Fi Module
IR Range Sensor
What about Arduino shields?
Where to buy Arduino Board and its peripherals?
What Next or how to get updated Information?
About Arduino UNO
Why Arduino UNO?
Structure of Arduino UNO
How to control Arduino UNO?
What is the cost of Arduino UNO?
Where to find application ideas or codes for Arduino UNO board?
What you need to program an Arduino UNO board?
Arduino UNO board prototype is standalone or interfaced one?
How to power Arduino UNO?
All About Arduino IDE
Where from to install Arduino IDE on Mobile?
Where from to install Arduino IDE on computer?
How to start Arduino IDE?
Sketch and Program are same, IDE supports which file types?
Why it is called Arduino IDE?
How to write new program and indent code automatically?
How to Verify/Detect errors in program?
How to get Help on functions used in program?
How to compile program?
How to Upload program using USB or Programmer?
How to do multiple file programming?
How about library implementation in code?
How about example programs or Built-in Examples and examples from library?
How to zip programs?
How to see host PC serial data or access serial monitor?
How to Upload Boot Loader?
Programming Over-view
Creating a Program
Program Structure
Coding Guidelines
Common coding errors
Arduino UNO Board Testing
T1A1: ‘L’ LED Blink Test
What You Need:
Step 1: Hardware setup.
Step 2: Load the Blink example file.
Step 3: Read the Code.
Step 4: Select uploading board.
Step 5: Select uploading port.
Step 6: Verify/Compile Blink program.
Step 7: upload Blink program to board.
Step 8: modifying Blink example program.
Getting Started with Sketch
S1A1: Bare Minimum
Parts Required
Hardware Setup
S1A1: Application Code
What Next?
S1A2: Hello World! - Once
Parts Required
Hardware Setup
S1A2: Application Code
What Next?
S1A3: Hello World! - Infinitely
Parts Required
Hardware Setup
S1A3: Application Code
What Next?
S1A4: Serial Port Interactive Program
Parts Required
Hardware Setup
S1A4: Application Code
What Next?
Programming: Language
Program Structure
Further Syntax
/* */
Data Types
Variables & Constants
Control Statements
Example Application Code: 'Hypotenuse Calculator'
Programming: Hardware
I/O Functions
Pulse Width Modulation
Random Numbers
Programming: Library
Standard Libraries
Math Library
Trigonometric Functions
Arduino Uno board Programming Requirements
About Arduino Uno Hardware
Before start interfacing
About Power Supply
General Components Details
About Bread Board
About Connecting Wires
About Resistor
About Diode
About LED
About LDR or Photocell
About Potentiometer
About Transistors
About Switch
Interface: Serial Monitor
Communication Types
Serial Port
Baud Rate
Serial Monitor
Serial Library
Serial Library Functions
I0A1: Printing Integers or Numbers on Serial Monitor
I0A2: Exercise- Drive size calculator
Interface: Input/Output
Digital Output Pin Configuration
I1A1: On-board LED Blink
I1A2: Real LED Blink – default pin, once
I1A3: Real LED Blink – default pin, forever
I1A4: Real LED Blink – with define
I1A5: Real LED Blink – another pin
Digital Input Pin Configuration
I1B1: Switch – 0 or 1
I1B2: Switch – Pressed or Released
I1B3: Switch – without pull-up resistor
Digtial Input/Output Pin Configuration
I1C1: Switch & ‘L’ LED
I1C2: Switch & ‘L’ LED - Debounce
I1C3: Switch & ‘L’ LED – StateChangeDetection
I1C4: Switch & Real LED – On/Off toggle on each press
Analogue Output Pin Configuration
I1D1: PWM at any pin [‘L’ LED]
I1D2: PWM at specific pin
Analogue Input Pin Configuration
I1E1: Analog Read Serial Out – Value/Voltage
I1E2: Analog Read Serial Out – Smoothing
Analogue Input/Output Pin Configuration
I1F1: Analog I/O – LED control
I1F2: Analog I/O – Calibration, Serial Out
I1F3: Analog I/O – Mixed circuit
Interface: Advanced Concepts
Playing with Resistors
Playing with Digital Output
I2B1: LED and serial Monitor
I2B2: LED, flasher and serial Monitor
Playing with Digital Input
I2C1: One Button Two Functions
I2C2: Two Button Two Functions
I2C3: Two Button And Analog Output
I2C4: Using single input trigger two Arduino Boards
Playing with Analog Input/Output
I2D1: LDR as analog input sensor
I2D2: Pot as analog input sensor
I2D3: LED brightness or Fan speed control
Playing with Light N Switch
Design challenge, part 1
Design Challenge, part 2
Design Challenge, part 3
Playing with 3 Colored LEDs
Adding a green, blue LEDs...
Full color adventures!
Color mixing
Playing with 8 LEDs & Shift Register
8 LEDs and Shift Register
Serial Monitor
Analogue Inputs
Sensing Light
Interface: Complex Concepts
Decision Making & Using Logic
if statement
while loop
for loop
switch case
Data Manipulation
Bit Maths
3 Ways to Use Acceleration in Arduino Sketch
LED flickers When Serial out n Switch case is used
Interface: Sensor
Movement: PIR
Movement: Joystick- Approach One
Movement: Joystick- Approach Two
Magnetic Field Detector
What Next?
Interface: Actuator
Motor: DC Motor
Motor: Servo Motor
Motor: Stepper Motor
Interface: Display
I6A1: RGB LED Experiments
I6A2: RGB LED Control Through Keyboard
I6A3: RGB LED Control Through 3 Pots
I6A4: RGB LED Colors Display
Colors and PWM
Color theory
What next?
LED Bar Graph
I6B1: LED Bar Graph Control Through Pot Value
LED Matrix
I6C1: LED Matrix Control Through 2 Pot Values
7 Segment Display or FND
I6D1: 0 to 9 Display
I6D2: Rolling Dice
Notes about FND
LCD Board
I6E1: Hello World
I6E2: Sensor Values On LCD
I6E3: Serial Input
About LCD
Interface: Communication
I2C (wire.h)
I7A1: Digital Potentiometer
I7A2: Reader-Sender
I7A3: Writer-Receiver
I7A4: SFR Ranger Reader
Note about Slave Select (SS) pin on AVR based boards
I7B1: Master Slave Configuration
I7B2: LED Shift Register
I7B3: SD Card Operations
I7B4: SD Card Data Logger
I7B5: Barometric Pressure Sensor
I7B6: Digital Potentiometer
I7C1: Interrupt Debouncing
Interface: Visualizing Data
Serial Plotter
I8A1: LDR values on Serial Plotter
I8B1: LED Dimmer
I8B2: Physical Pixel
About Processing
Interface: Others
I9A1: External Reset
I9A2: Programmatically – using Reset pin
I9A3: Programmatically – using Reset function
Data Retention (EEPROM)
I9B1: Write operation
I9B2: Read operation
I9B3: Update operation
I9B4: Counter application
I9C1: Timed-Event Programming
State Machine And Multi-tasking
Bigger and Better Projects
Ditch the delay()
Remember Blink?
And sweep too?
I9D1: Blink Without Delay
I9D2: Flash Without Delay – 1 LED
I9D3: Flash Without Delay – 2 LEDs
Thank you sir!  May I have another LED?
I9D4: Flash Without Delay – 2 LEDs, OOPs Approach
I9D5: Blink LEDs & Sweep Servos
I9D6: Blink LEDs, Sweep Servos & Read Switch
What Next?
External Events
What is an Interrupt?
Where do they come from?
What are they good for?
Timer Interrupts
I9D7: Timer Interrupt Based System Design
I9D8: Timers N External Interrupts Based System Design
More About Timers
Timer Libraries
Pin Change Interrupts
Timer and Interrupt Etiquette
Simple System Design Examples
Traffic Light System
D1A1: Three LEDs
D1A2: Three LEDs – Pedestrian
D1A3: Three LEDs – Pedestrian, Pushbutton
Controlling 4 LEDs with Pot
Ultrasonic Distance Meter
Simple Oscilloscope
Display LED Brightness on LCD screen
More about Arduino platform
How to check Arduino Uno board physically OK!

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