
Friday, April 2, 2021

Why this Basics of Computer, Programming and C eBook?

 Basics of Computer, Programming and C

The EBook for future programmers

Click here to purchase it from google play store. [you can search in mobile play store-books section]

A you tube video on Fundamentals of Programming


This eBook discusses about basics of Computer and programming in simple terms and then introduces C learning tutorial on Mobile Phone.



In this digital age, computers are observing everywhere. The digital computers need application program to work, and skilled programmers or system developers write such programmes. And you are becoming one such skilled programmer who writes standard code for many digital devices.

Why become programmer?

Programming is becoming an essential skill in nearly every modern industry. But more than any of that, when taught correctly, programming can be a whole heap of fun! Learning to code is an amazing, practical and hugely rewarding hobby and skill for readers of all ages.

Why to learn C?

Because it is simple, easy to learn, old language and found everywhere from embedded to robotics, desktop to main frame computers. It is base of many languages!

Who this eBook is for:

-Those who want to start a career in Computer Programming or study Computer Science stream.

-Those who want to know how a computer performs a task in a simple and easy way.

-Teachers, Parents, Students, Educators, Anyone Interested in Real Coding [not just block coding].


-Reader understands important concepts of programming and its fundamentals

-Learning C, the most popular and used programming language with mobile app.


Computer or Android mobile device

Internet connection

Motivation to see reader fall in love with coding


This compiled eBook has three parts and read them in that order only:

Part I: Basics of Computer

Part II: Basics of Programming

Part III: Learn C Programming


Below is the content of this eBook



Why become programmer?. 0

Why to learn C?. 0

Who this eBook is for: 0

Benefits. 0

Requirements. 0

Part I: Basics of Computers. 1

Introduction. 1

What is a computer?. 2

How do computers work?. 2

My computer understands me. 3

Pioneers of computing. 1

Computers through the ages: classes of computers. 2

History of computers. 2

Types of computers. 3

What’s inside my computer?. 1

Basic components of a computer. 2

Computers are programmable. 1

What is a computer program concept?. 1

Binary code. 1

A program to translate human form into machine form.. 1

How to write a computer program?. 2

Steps before writing a program.. 2

Example: Writing simple algorithm for a given task. 2

Part II: Basics of Programming. 1

Introduction. 1

Summary. 2

Storage and Variables. 1

Asking the computer to remember. 1

Variables. 1

Changing values of variables. 2

When we use storage?. 2

Using variables. 3

Storing text. 3

Lists. 4

Summary. 4

Repeating Things. 1

Where to use repeat. 1

Loops. 2

Count based loops. 2

Condition controlled loops: while loop. 2

Summary. 3

Making decisions. 1

Using If… Then… Else. 1

Using Else if. 2

Summary. 3

Creating lists. 1

How to store multiple values. 1

Summary. 2

Grouping instructions. 1

Similar instructions. 1

Create a group of instructions. 1

Procedures and functions. 2

Summary. 3

Avoiding mistakes. 1

What are mistakes?. 1

What is debugging?. 1

Logic bug. 2

Avoiding bug. 2

Using computer languages. 1

Converting code into zeros and ones. 1

Summary. 2

Part III: Learn C Programming: Introduction. 1

Mindset and Motivation. 1

Why learn C?. 1


Programing Process & Its Tools. 1

How compiled program works?. 1

File names. 1

Write-compile-run a C program.. 2

Decide the program type: console application or GUI one. 2

Programming Process and its tools. 2

Algorithm to C Program.. 3

Driver Program and Standard in-built Libraries. 1

Structure of Function. 1

About Header Files. 2

Get Started with C. 1

C Program Structure. 1

Naming source files: main.c is your driver program.. 2

Work Setup. 1

Creating the Source Code. 3

Run the program.. 4

Part III: Learn C Programming: Tutorial 1

Introduction. 1

About C Programming. 1

Why Learn C Programming?. 1

How to learn C Programming?. 1

C Keywords and Identifiers. 2

Character set. 2

C Keywords. 2

C Identifiers. 3

C Variables, Constants and Literals. 4

Variables. 4

Literals. 5

Constants. 6

C Data Types. 7

Basic types. 7

Derived Data Types. 10

C Input Output (I/O). 11

C Output. 11

C Input. 12

I/O Multiple Values. 15

Format Specifiers for I/O.. 15

C Programming Operators. 17

C Arithmetic Operators. 17

C Increment and Decrement Operators. 18

C Assignment Operators. 19

Other Operators. 23

C Introduction Examples. 25

Examples. 25

C Flow Control 26

C if...else Statement. 26

C for Loop. 31

C while and do...while Loop. 35

C break and continue. 39

C switch Statement. 43

C goto Statement. 46

C Control Flow Examples. 49

C Functions. 50

Types of function. 50

How user-defined function works?. 51

C User-defined functions. 53

C Recursion. 58

C Storage Class. 62

C Function Examples. 65

C Programming Arrays. 66

C Arrays. 66

Multidimensional arrays. 70

Pass arrays to a function in C. 76

Passing Multidimensional Arrays to a Function. 78

Example 3: Passing two-dimensional arrays. 78

C Pointers. 79

Address in C.. 79

C Pointers. 79

Relationship Between Arrays and Pointers. 85

C Pass Addresses and Pointers. 88

C Dynamic Memory Allocation. 90

C Array and Pointer Examples. 94

C Programming Strings. 95

How to declare a string?. 95

How to initialize strings?. 95

Assigning Values to Strings. 96

Read String from the user. 96

Passing Strings to Functions. 97

Strings and Pointers. 98

String Manipulations In C Programming Using Library Functions. 100

String Examples in C Programming. 101

C struct 102

How to define structures?. 102

Create struct variables. 102

Access members of a structure. 103

Nested Structures. 105

Why structs in C?. 105

More on struct 106

C structs and Pointers. 107

C Structure and Function. 110

C Unions. 114

C Struct Examples. 117

C File Handling. 118

Why files are needed?. 118

Types of Files. 118

File Operations. 118

Working with files. 119

Opening a file - for creation and edit 119

Closing a File. 120

Reading and writing to a text file. 120

Reading and writing to a binary file. 122

Getting data using fseek(). 124

C Files Examples. 127

Additional Topics. 130

C enums. 130

C Preprocessor and Macros. 134

C Standard Library Functions. 139


--till next post, bye-bye and take care.


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