
Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Cloud Computing – Security & Privacy


According to Wikipedia website? 

Cloud computing poses privacy concerns because the service provider can access the data that is in the cloud at any time. It could accidentally or deliberately alter or delete information.[122] Many cloud providers can share information with third parties if necessary for purposes of law and order without a warrant. That is permitted in their privacy policies, which users must agree to before they start using cloud services. Solutions to privacy include policy and legislation as well as end-users' choices for how data is stored.[122] Users can encrypt data that is processed or stored within the cloud to prevent unauthorized access.[123][122] Identity management systems can also provide practical solutions to privacy concerns in cloud computing. These systems distinguish between authorized and unauthorized users and determine the amount of data that is accessible to each entity.[124] The systems work by creating and describing identities, recording activities, and getting rid of unused identities.

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According to IBM website? 

Traditionally, security concerns have been the primary obstacle for organizations considering cloud services, particularly public cloud services. In response to demand, however, the security offered by cloud service providers is steadily outstripping on-premises security solutions.

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By default, most cloud providers follow best security practices and take active steps to protect the integrity of their servers. However, organizations need to make their own considerations when protecting data, applications, and workloads running on the cloud.

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According to Investopedia website? 

Is Cloud Computing Safe?

Because software and data are stored remotely in cloud computing, data security and platform security are a big concern. Cloud security refers to the measures undertaken to protect digital assets and data stored on cloud-based services. Measures to protect this data include two-factor authorization (2FA), the use of VPNs, security tokens, data encryption, and firewall services, among others. 

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What Is Cloud Security?

Cloud security is the protection of data stored online via cloud computing platforms from theft, leakage, and deletion. Methods of providing cloud security include firewalls, penetration testing, obfuscation, tokenization, virtual private networks (VPN), and avoiding public internet connections. Cloud security is a form of cybersecurity.

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These many are the definitions and descriptions of Cloud Computing at your perusal from reputed websites. Choose any one/two or many definitions in your seminar topic article.

If you find any other related links, please add them in comment section. That will help other students to find the material easily.

…till next post, bye-bye & take-care.

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