
Friday, March 31, 2017

Review: Biometric Based Attendance System

The security sector always tried to use human’s biological characteristics as one of the verification parameter. One such characteristic [among others: iris, facial recognition etc.] is finger print of a person as they are unique to every person.


Objective: Building an Attendance System using Finger Print of attendee as one the verification parameter.




The proposed system’s use goes like this: from the menu on LCD screen user has to press 1 for Attendance, 2 for Save and 3 for Clear. For attendance user places finger on sensor module, sensed, if sensed finger print with stored one matches enter Roll Number for attendance using Keypad. Then press 2 to Save the enrolled attendance to memory. To Clear the attendance register press 3 and enter password through Keypad.


Note that person’s finger print is also subject to hacking, although not so easily as text based passwords.


Applications: The intended system is used as attendance system in Industries, Institutions, ATM or at secured/restricted areas for access controls.

Title: Biometric Based Attendance System

External Links:


Keywords: Embedded, Microcontroller, AVR ATmega, Key pad, MAX 232, LCD


Note: Click these label/tags to view all related posts. Tags: ProjectReview


…till next post, bye-bye & take care.

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