
Friday, May 19, 2017

Review: Arduino Based Light Sensor System


While designing any prototype it is evident that some add-ons are needed as-and-when and one such is Light Sensor System. The commonly available resistor or LDR [Light dependent Resistor] is used to sense light presence and makes system cost very cheap.


Objective: Constructing a system which can detect the light intensity around sensor vicinity and if found makes alarm sound. Note that only indication of light intensity is detected and conveyed to user through buzzer sound.

The system is built using arduino based Controller Module, LDR based Light Sensor Module and suitable power rated Buzzer. The power supply unit supplies proper voltages to the system for smooth working. The memory resident program of Controller Module monitors the vicinity for light intensity through LDR connected to it at input pin. If any light intensity is found around LDR or light sensor buzzer is activated for alarm sound.



¾    As add-on to any system as light detector module.

¾    With slight modification used as automatic light control system, where feedback of light presence is used to switch ON/OFF room/portico/garage lights automatically.

¾    With slight modification system can be used as solar tracker and track sun with solar panels for maximum sunlight coverage.

Title: Arduino Based Light Sensor System

External Links:

Keywords: Controller Module, Light Sensor Module, Alarm Unit, Arduino

Note: Click these label/tags to view all related posts. Tags: ProjectReview


…till next post, bye-bye & take care.

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