
Friday, May 12, 2017

Review: Arduino Based Obstacle Avoiding Robot

The Robotics is the branch of engineering which is observing lot of developments and much new type of robots are available in market today. The obstacle avoiding robot is one such robot or end product.


Objective: Constructing a robot which moves and avoids any obstacles in front of its path.

Methodology is simple; the Controller Module moves the robotic vehicle in forward direction with the help of its memory resident program. Meanwhile Obstacle Detector Module, connected to input pins of Controller Module monitors for obstacle in the path of robot. If any obstacle is found, Detector module immediately sends alert signal to Controller Module for further processing. The Controller Module then changes the course of the moving robot so that obstacle is avoided.


¾    Used as simple Obstacle Avoiding robot, or as toy.

¾    Used as cleaning machine in House/Industry with fitting vacuum cleaner at suitable position.

¾    Deployed where human/dogs presence is not advised such as earthquake/fire sites, hazardous areas, restricted/radiation areas etc.

Title: Arduino Based Obstacle Avoiding Robot

External Links:

Keywords: Controller Module, Driver Module, Motor, Robot, Obstacle, Arduino

Note: Click these label/tags to view all related posts. Tags: ProjectReview


…till next post, bye-bye & take care.

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