
Friday, December 17, 2021

About Optical Computers

Optical computing: As per Wikipedia

Optical computing or photonic computing uses photons produced by lasers or diodes for computation. For decades, photons have shown promise to enable a higher bandwidth than the electrons used in conventional computers (see optical fibers).

Most research projects focus on replacing current computer components with optical equivalents, resulting in an optical digital computer system processing binary data. This approach appears to offer the best short-term prospects for commercial optical computing, since optical components could be integrated into traditional computers to produce an optical-electronic hybrid. However, optoelectronic devices consume 30% of their energy converting electronic energy into photons and back; this conversion also slows the transmission of messages. All-optical computers eliminate the need for optical-electrical-optical (OEO) conversions, thus reducing electrical power consumption.

Application-specific devices, such as synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and optical correlators, have been designed to use the principles of optical computing. Correlators can be used, for example, to detect and track objects, and to classify serial time-domain optical data.

Optical components for binary digital computer

The fundamental building block of modern electronic computers is the transistor. To replace electronic components with optical ones, an equivalent optical transistor is required. This is achieved using materials with a non-linear refractive index. In particular, materials exist where the intensity of incoming light affects the intensity of the light transmitted through the material in a similar manner to the current response of a bipolar transistor. Such an optical transistor[5][6] can be used to create optical logic gates,[6] which in turn are assembled into the higher level components of the computer's central processing unit (CPU). These will be nonlinear optical crystals used to manipulate light beams into controlling other light beams.

Like any computing system, an optical computing system needs three things to function well:

·         optical processor

·         optical data transfer, e.g. fiber optic cable

·         optical storage

Substituting electrical components will need data format conversion from photons to electrons, which will make the system slower.


There are some disagreements between researchers about the future capabilities of optical computers; whether or not they may be able to compete with semiconductor-based electronic computers in terms of speed, power consumption, cost, and size is an open question. Critics note that real-world logic systems require "logic-level restoration, cascadability, fan-out and input–output isolation", all of which are currently provided by electronic transistors at low cost, low power, and high speed. For optical logic to be competitive beyond a few niche applications, major breakthroughs in non-linear optical device technology would be required, or perhaps a change in the nature of computing itself.

Misconceptions, challenges, and prospects

A significant challenge to optical computing is that computation is a nonlinear process in which multiple signals must interact. Light, which is an electromagnetic wave, can only interact with another electromagnetic wave in the presence of electrons in a material,[10] and the strength of this interaction is much weaker for electromagnetic waves, such as light, than for the electronic signals in a conventional computer. This may result in the processing elements for an optical computer requiring more power and larger dimensions than those for a conventional electronic computer using transistors.

A further misconception is that since light can travel much faster than the drift velocity of electrons, and at frequencies measured in THz, optical transistors should be capable of extremely high frequencies. However, any electromagnetic wave must obey the transform limit, and therefore the rate at which an optical transistor can respond to a signal is still limited by its spectral bandwidth. However, in fiber optic communications, practical limits such as dispersion often constrain channels to bandwidths of 10s of GHz, only slightly better than many silicon transistors. Obtaining dramatically faster operation than electronic transistors would therefore require practical methods of transmitting ultrashort pulses down highly dispersive waveguides.

Photonic logic

Realization of a photonic controlled-NOT gate for use in quantum computing

Photonic logic is the use of photons (light) in logic gates (NOT, AND, OR, NAND, NOR, XOR, XNOR). Switching is obtained using nonlinear optical effects when two or more signals are combined.

Resonators are especially useful in photonic logic, since they allow a build-up of energy from constructive interference, thus enhancing optical nonlinear effects.

Other approaches that have been investigated include photonic logic at a molecular level, using photoluminescent chemicals. In a demonstration, Witlicki et al. performed logical operations using molecules and SERS.

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What is Optical Computer?

An optical computer (also called a photonic computer) is a device that uses the photons in visible light or infrared ( IR ) beams, rather than electric current, to perform digital computations. An electric current flows at only about 10 percent of the speed of light. This limits the rate at which data can be exchanged over long distances, and is one of the factors that led to the evolution of optical fiber . By applying some of the advantages of visible and/or IR networks at the device and component scale, a computer might someday be developed that can perform operations 10 or more times faster than a conventional electronic computer.

Visible-light and IR beams, unlike electric currents, pass through each other without interacting. Several (or many) laser beams can be shone so their paths intersect, but there is no interference among the beams, even when they are confined essentially to two dimensions. Electric currents must be guided around each other, and this makes three-dimensional wiring necessary. Thus, an optical computer, besides being much faster than an electronic one, might also be smaller.

Some engineers think optical computing will someday be common, but most agree that transitions will occur in specialized areas one at a time. Some optical integrated circuits have been designed and manufactured. (At least one complete, although rather large, computer has been built using optical circuits.) Three-dimensional, full-motion video can be transmitted along a bundle of fibers by breaking the image into voxels. Some optical devices can be controlled by electronic currents, even though the impulses carrying the data are visible light or IR. Optical technology has made its most significant inroads in digital communications, where fiber optic data transmission has become commonplace. The ultimate goal is the so-called photonic network , which uses visible andIR energy exclusively between each source and destination. Optical technology is employed in CD-ROM drives and their relatives, laser printers, and most photocopiers and scanners. However, none of these devices are fully optical; all rely to some extent on conventional electronic circuits and components.

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Optical Computer – Components, Working Principle and Why We Need It

Optical Computer is indeed the computer technology of future which uses light particles called Photons. This post will discuss Optical Computer, Optical Components required for computation, why we need it, its working principle, advantages and disadvantages.

What is an Optical Computer?

A device that uses Photons or Infrared beams, instead of electric current, for its digital computations is termed as an Photonic or Optical Computer.

The flow of electric current is only 10 percent of the speed of light. This poses severe restrictions on long distance data transmission. Such restrictions resulted in the evolution of optical fiber. By applying the advantages of IR networks and/or visible light at the component and device scale, a computer (Optical Computer) can be developed that has 10 times more processing power than conventional systems.

Fig. 3 – Prototype of Optical Computer

Unlike electric current, IR beams and visible light can pass through each other without interaction. Several laser beams can be projected so as to intersect their path, but the beams will have no interference even when they are confined to two dimensions.

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With electric currents, three dimensional wiring becomes necessary since they have to be guided around each other. Thus an Optical Computer, apart from being faster, can also be smaller. Figure 2 below shows an 8 bit or Bit-Serial Optical Computer.

Fig. 4 – Bit-Serial Optical Computer

Main Optical Components in Optical Computer

The main Optical components required for computing in an Optical Computer are:

·         VCSEL (Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Micro Laser)

·         Spatial Light Modulators

·         Optical Logical Gates

·         Smart Pixels

VCSEL (Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Micro Laser)

VCSEL is a semiconductor Micro Laser Diode that emits light vertically from the surface. It basically converts the Electrical Signal to Optical Signal. It is the best example of one dimensional Photonic Crystal.

Spatial Light Modulators

Spatial Light Modulators are responsible for modulating the intensity and the phase of the Optical beam. They are used in Holographic Data Storage systems as they encode the information into a laser beam.

Optical Logic Gates

An Optical Logic Gate is nothing but an Optical Switch that controls the light beams. It is said to be “ON” when the device transmits light and “OFF” when the device blocks the light.

Smart Pixels

Smart Pixels help Optical Systems with high levels of Electronic Signal Processing.

Why do we need Optical Computer?

The need for Optical Computer (s) emerged from the fact that the conventional computers are limited by the time response of electronic circuits and also the building up of heat damages the electronic components. For example: Microprocessors contain billions of transistors and sometimes they operate at clock speeds in excess of 3 billion cycles per second which implies that the transistors are exposed to lots of heat, which accelerates their chances of damage.

The other factors which adds to this need of developing a better alternate are:

·         The End of Electron Based Computing as Moore’s Law is Failing

·         A plateau in Computer Processing Chips

The End of Electron Based Computing as Moore’s Law is Failing

Computers work with zeros and ones. Little switches called transistors make this possible and there are billions of them found on current Integrated Circuits and Processor Chips. In 1965, the founder of Intel, Gordon Moore, predicted that there would be a doubling in the number of transistors on every chip, every two years. This came to be popular as Moore’s law.

This prediction was accurate up to the beginning of the 21st century. While the predicted exponential growth has not completely stopped, it has certainly slowed down. Transistors are now being manufactured in atomic sizes. This implies that there will soon be bottlenecks in the quantum mechanical effects.

Current or electrons can disappear randomly from these minute electrical components, thereby resulting in incorrect calculations. Also, the latest technology where transistors measure only five nano meters has become very complex and too expensive to advance.

A Plateau in Computer Processing Chips

A closer inspection reveals that there has been a decline in the performance of transistors. Looking back, we realize that faster computers were bombarding the market every few years. Today, however, computers are stuck at 4 GHz speed. Yet, it is possible to improve performance with smart chips and parallel processing. However, this increase in speed is attributed not only to transistors but also to various other circuitry. 

Fig. 5 – Optical Transistors in Optical Computer

All these benefits incur a cost. Processor cores need to constantly maintain communication which consumes energy. It is so high that communication between the chips is known to consume more than half of the total computing power. Since computers are in our smart phones, laptops, internet and data centers, this energy consumption leaves behind a substantial amount of carbon footprint.

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…till next post, bye-bye and take care.

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