
Monday, June 6, 2022

Project Review: MATLAB based Color Sensing Robot System

You can find this project and its details in this site link: MATLAB based Color Sensing Robot System

This site links provides following details:

  • ·         Project working details
  • ·         Circuit and working, Construction and Testing
  • ·         PCB layout in PDF, Source code in RAR file
  • ·         Run Application details, parts list

What are you building?

A MATLAB based project where images taken by the camera are processed for colors and the position of a red-colored object is extracted [say] out of the image. Based on the position of the red colored object in the image, different data re sent via COM port. The serial data received by the robot and corresponding movement is done.


This project is just an example and you can use this for various industrial applications such as controlling heavy load-lifting machines with some object of a specific colour in your hand.

Parts list:

P89V51RD2 microcontroller chip, L293D motor driver & 2-DC motors, MAX232 etc.

Block Diagram of system:

For all such project review posts list click here: 17 Robotics Project Ideas for project seeker.

…till next post, bye-bye and take care.

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