
Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Project Review: PID Algorithm Based Line Following Robot System

You can find this project and its details in this site link: PID Algorithm based Line Follower Robot System

This site links provides following details:

  • ·         PID Algorithm details
  • ·         Circuit and working, Construction and Testing
  • ·         PCB layout in PDF, Source code in zip file
  • ·         Initial setup, parts list, self-test for motors
  • ·         Configuring constants, Running and stopping

What are you building?

An automatically moving robot which follows the already drawn line on the floor with the help of IR Transmitting-Receiving LEDs. The accuracy of the movement of a line follower mostly depends on the motor movement and sensing system. Many algorithms are used to coordinate the line data read by the sensors to control the motors. But here a simple and most precise control is obtained by PID [Proportional Integral Derivative] algorithm.



The current set values can be viewed on the OLED display, and the same are automatically saved to EEPROM of the microcontroller, which makes testing the line follower with the PID algorithm simple and easier.

Parts list:

ATmega16 microcontroller, L293D motor driver & 2-DC motors, LM324 Op-Amp, IR Tx-Rx LEDs, 2.4cm OLED display etc.

Block Diagram of system:

For all such project review posts list click here: 17 Robotics Project Ideas for project seeker.

…till next post, bye-bye and take care. 

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