
Saturday, June 11, 2022

Project Review: Robocar with Wireless Steering System

You can find this project and its details in this site link: Robocar with wireless steering system

This site links provides following details:

  • ·         RF remote controller details
  • ·         Circuit and working, Construction and Testing
  • ·         PCB layout in PDF, Source code in RAR file
  • ·         Initial setup, parts list, self-test for motors

What are you building?

 Here we describe a robot (robocar) that can be steered in any direction just like you drive your car. Wireless steering senses the motion and transmits corresponding instruction to control the robot through RF communication. The robot also has an obstacle detection and avoidance system implemented. 


The RF remote control provides the advantage of a good controlling range (up to 100 metres with proper antennae) besides being omnidirectional.

Parts list:

Arduino Uno board, PIC16F877A microcontroller chip, L293D motor driver & 2-DC motors, RF Transmitter Receiver module- HT12E etc.

Block Diagram of system:

For all such project review posts list click here: 17 Robotics Project Ideas for project seeker.

…till next post, bye-bye and take care. 

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