
Sunday, June 12, 2022

Project Review: Sanitizing UV Robot System

You can find this project and its details in this site link: Sanitizing UV Robot System and YouTube video link

This site links provides following details:

  • ·         RF remote controller details
  • ·         Circuit and working, Construction and Testing
  • ·         PCB layout in PDF, Source code in RAR file
  • ·         Initial setup, parts list, self-test for motors

What are you building?

The UV sanitization robot uses the power of UV rays to kill germs and bacteria. The robot can also give a live video stream of its surroundings. With the help of WiFi, we can control the robot and its GUI allows us to drive the robot inside a hospital room without physically being there. All this enables us to sanitize the hospital room as per our requirements.


By killing the germs using this Raspberry Pi system, the UV light restricts their multiplication by destroying their reproductive system.

Parts list:

Raspberry Pi4 kit, RPi Camera, 24V UV LED, L293D motor driver & 2-DC motors, Robot chassis etc.

Block Diagram of system:

For all such project review posts list click here: 17 Robotics Project Ideas for project seeker.

…till next post, bye-bye and take care. 

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