
Monday, June 13, 2022

Project Review: Smart Face Recognition Robot System

You can find this project and its details in this site link: Smart Face Recognition Robot System

This site links provides following details:

  • ·         Assembling robot face details
  • ·         Coding details, code is zip file
  • ·         Connection with speaker and camera
  • ·         Testing procedure

What are you building?

As this smart mask with monitoring module is kept at entrance of any place recognises the person who enters and greet him with name/no name. It includes 70% hardware setup and 30% software module.


It replaces the receptionists at entrance place, and keep log of visited people and greet them too thoroughly. The OLED displays are used for eyes and controlled with Arduino Mini + code. The PIR Camera connected to Raspberry Pi catches visitor’s face and sends it to Raspberry Pi kit for further processing. The greeting is played on speaker connected through proper amplifier module of Raspberry Pi kit.

Parts list:

Raspberry Pi 4, Raspberry Pi camera, Arduino Nano, OLED SSD 1306s, Mask etc.

Block Diagram of system:

For all such project review posts list click here: 17 Robotics Project Ideas for project seeker.

…till next post, bye-bye and take care. 

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