
Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Breaking Boundaries: A Pioneering Leap Towards Free-Space Optical Communication Enhancement



About Topic In Short:


Aston University's Aston Institute of Photonic Technologies and Glasgow University, Professor Andrew Ellis.


New signal-processing algorithms have been developed to mitigate turbulence in free-space optical experiments, potentially advancing 'free space' internet.


They used commercially available photonic lanterns, a commercial transponder, and a spatial light modulator to simulate turbulence. By applying a successive interference cancellation digital signal processing algorithm, they achieved significant improvements in data quality.



Introducing the Visionary Endeavor:

In a groundbreaking study led by esteemed researchers from Aston University's Aston Institute of Photonic Technologies and Glasgow University, they have unveiled a revolutionary signal-processing algorithm designed to counter the disruptive effects of turbulence in free-space optical experiments. This awe-inspiring development is poised to propel 'free space' internet into the realm of reality, sparking a communication revolution across regions with limited infrastructure.


The Journey of Exploration:

This remarkable feat was achieved through an intricate journey of exploration. Armed with commercially available photonic lanterns, a commercial transponder, and a spatial light modulator, the researchers embarked on a daring quest to simulate the unpredictability of turbulence in their experiments. With a strategic deployment of the successive interference cancellation digital signal processing algorithm, they attained record-breaking outcomes in taming the turbulence's influence.


Unveiling the Magic of Free Space Optical Technology:

Free space optical technology serves as an ethereal conduit for wireless communication, illuminating data as radiant beams of light through the vast expanse of the air, rendering the need for costly fiber cables obsolete. Embracing the potential of this technology ignites an exhilarating prospect of delivering seamless communication services to regions that were previously limited by infrastructure constraints.


Overcoming the Trials and Tribulations of Free Space Optical Communication:

Yet, traversing the ethereal realm of light beams brings its own set of challenges. Weather conditions, from the brilliance of sun-drenched days to the enigmatic veils of thick fog, bear the potential to diffract and scintillate the very essence of these light beams, engendering turbulence that ensnares data in its vortex of loss.


Cracking the Code: Embracing Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Digital Signal Processing:

The audacious researchers fearlessly confronted these challenges, unveiling their masterstroke - the simultaneous transmission of multiple data signals through spatially shaped light beams, guided by the enigmatic photonic lantern. As turbulence morphs the contours of these beams, transmitting a singular, simple shape would yield loss of signal upon detection. Yet, through the ingenious utilization of a second lantern to embrace light bearing diverse shapes, the researchers successfully amassed a reservoir of light at the receiver's end, orchestrating the unscrambling of the pristine data. This unprecedented marvel is none other than the innovative masterstroke of Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) digital signal processing, deftly unraveling the shackles of atmospheric turbulence, liberating data quality from its clutches.


Embracing Triumph and Pondering Impact:

Such tenacity and brilliance bore fruit, yielding remarkable results. In a world where a solitary light beam would succumb to the onslaught of turbulence akin to a blazing, sun-soaked day, the ensemble of multiple light beams, adroitly detected through the aforementioned technique, surmounted the odds, elevating availability to a resounding 99% and unleashing a gargantuan capacity exceeding 500 Gbit/s - a symphony of over 500 ultra-fast Pure-Fibre broadband links.


Venturing Beyond the Horizon: Envisioning Real-World Applications:

The profound impact of this research transcends the realms of academia. The story unfolds in South Africa, where the intrepid minds from Aston University and Glasgow University join hands with the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg. Their vision - to venture into the real-world applications of free-space optical technology, where communities residing in informal settlements and underprivileged schools yearn for access to the internet. The "Fibre Before the Fibre" project, shrouded in ambition, aspires to materialize the internet's splendor sans the burden of cable installation. Leveraging the ingenious free space optical communication system, the project seeks to establish a wireless optical line of sight, weaving together remote sites with fiber sources in affluent suburbs, effectively bridging the chasm of the digital divide.


Voices from the Tapestry: Echoes of Wisdom:

Professor Andrew Ellis, an eminent figure steering this endeavor from Aston University, fervently underscores the significance of this epochal breakthrough. Emphasizing the essence of transmitting a multitude of beams through the same telescopes, detecting diverse shapes, he weaves a tale of heightened data availability and capacity, breathing life into the unexplored horizons of 'free space' internet.



The newly birthed signal-processing algorithm epitomizes a resolute stride towards the zenith of free-space optical communication. In overcoming the obstinate challenges presented by atmospheric turbulence, this ingenious technique stands tall as a beacon of hope, a key to unlocking the gates of 'free space' internet. As it reaches out to the regions bereft of robust infrastructure, ushering high-speed and dependable communication, it kindles a transformative journey - a voyage towards connecting the unconnected and illuminating the minds of underprivileged communities. The unfolding real-world applications in South Africa epitomize the very essence of this research - empowering the marginalized, revolutionizing connectivity, and illuminating the path to knowledge.


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All Images Credit: from References/Resources sites [Internet]



#FreeSpaceInternet #SignalProcessing #TurbulenceMitigation #Photonics #OpticalExperiments #MIMO #WirelessCommunication







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…till next post, bye-bye and take-care.

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