
Monday, July 24, 2023

Examining Imperfections in Lithium-Ion Batteries to Enhance Their Performance


About Topic In Short:


Institute Name - Texas A&M University College of Arts and Science, Authors - An international team led by Texas A&M chemists including David Santos and Sarbajit Banerjee.


Innovation or Research - Combining powerful imaging techniques and large data sets to understand why lithium-ion batteries fail and improve them.


Utilizing advanced imaging techniques and data analysis to visualize flaws and map defects within batteries. Working in Step-by-step process - Collaborating with the Canadian Light Source (CLS) to investigate battery flaws at the nanoscale.



Introducing the Challenge

In a quest to tackle one of the most pressing issues of our time—ensuring dependable energy storage—an international group of scientists, led by Texas A&M chemists, has set out on a remarkable journey. Through the integration of potent imaging methodologies and extensive data analysis, they endeavor to fathom the reasons behind lithium-ion battery failures and uncover pathways for enhancement. This scientific undertaking, spearheaded by experts hailing from the United States, Canada, and Germany, carries within it the potential to revolutionize energy storage, ushering in a brighter, eco-friendly tomorrow.


Grasping the Technical Conundrum

The team readily acknowledges a momentous hurdle impeding battery research—a lack of all-encompassing comprehension regarding nanoscale occurrences. To traverse this uncharted territory, they have engaged in close collaboration with the Canadian Light Source (CLS), harnessing a myriad of imaging techniques. Emphasizing the significance of delving into battery flaws at the nanoscale, David Santos, a 2022 Texas A&M chemistry Ph.D. graduate and former member of Professor Sarbajit Banerjee's research group, provides valuable insights.


Visualizing Imperfections and Plotting Anomalies

An exhilarating breakthrough for the team emerged as they harnessed the SM beamline at the Canadian Light Source, nestled within the precincts of the University of Saskatchewan (UofS), to visualize imperfections and map anomalies concealed within lithium-ion batteries. This state-of-the-art imaging technology unveiled profound secrets within the battery's inner workings, propelling them closer to unravelling the enigma of battery failures. Their discoveries now grace the prestigious pages of the scientific journal "Patterns."


Proactive Innovations in Design

The team's paramount goal revolves around comprehending the intricate interplay between battery constituents, structure, and chemical reactions, all in real-time, to proactively tackle design deficiencies. Detecting flaws as they transpire enables the pursuit of batteries capable of withstanding mechanical and chemical transformations, analogous to how thermal changes may induce cracks in a ceramic coffee mug over time. By addressing these shortcomings, which impact battery performance, safety, and the environment, the researchers aspire to forge a path toward more efficient and sustainable batteries.


Voices of the Experts

Professor Sarbajit Banerjee, a venerable figure within the Texas A&M chemistry department, extols the profound implications of X-ray tools at the Canadian Light Source, which offer an intimate glimpse into the intricate dialogues amongst ions within batteries. This newfound understanding delves deep into the very root causes of battery failures.



The international team's tireless endeavor to scrutinize imperfections within lithium-ion batteries, fostering their performance and endurance, holds boundless promise for sustainable energy storage. Armed with cutting-edge imaging techniques and vast datasets, the researchers from Texas A&M University, alongside their collaborative counterparts, embark on a journey towards a future marked by energy-efficient, dependable, and ecologically friendly batteries. As we navigate towards a greener grid and a more sustainable tomorrow, their collective efforts in forging superior batteries are poised to impact every facet of energy storage and sustainability.


Image Gallery



Artist’s rendering of a three-dimensional porous battery electrode structure. | Image: David Santos and Canadian Light Source



Graphical illustration of the type of processed images the research team is able to generate when using Canadian Light Source data to map lithium. | Image: David Santos and Canadian Light Source

All Images Credit: from References/Resources sites [Internet]

Alt Text: Texas A&M chemist Sarbajit Banerjee discusses the team's work on improving lithium-ion batteries. | Video: Canadian Light Source



#BetterBatteries #EnergyStorage #LithiumIonBatteries #Research #Sustainability #Chemistry #TexasAMUniversity



1. "Better Batteries For A Better Future" article on Texas A&M University College of Arts and Science website.

2. "Patterns" journal article titled "Multivariate hyperspectral data analytics across length scales to probe compositional, phase, and strain heterogeneities in electrode materials."

3. Canadian Light Source - Collaborative research facility.

4. Video: Texas A&M chemist Sarbajit Banerjee discussing the team's work on improving lithium-ion batteries.


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…till next post, bye-bye and take-care.

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