
Friday, July 28, 2023

Living Smartwatch Powered by Slime Mold: A Paradigm Shift in Human-Computer Interaction


About Topic In Short:


University of Chicago. Authors: Jasmine Lu and Pedro Lopes.


Living smartwatch powered by slime mold, creating a mutually beneficial partnership with users, changing the disposability of technology.


Watch powered by slime mold requires feeding and care, activating the heart rate monitor function when the slime mold forms an electrical circuit.


In a momentous and trailblazing expedition of scientific inquiry, the esteemed researchers from the University of Chicago have fashioned a vibrant smartwatch energized by the enigmatic vitality of slime mold. This living timepiece thrives solely when the affixed slime mold organism pulses with life, forging an unprecedented and mutually beneficial alliance between the user and the animated technology.


The Birth of an Animated Creation


The ingenious watch came into existence through the masterful craftsmanship of University of Chicago scholars Jasmine Lu and Pedro Lopes. Harnessing the electrifying prowess of the single-cell organism known as "slime mold," specifically the renowned species Physarum polycephalum, whose illustrious attributes include its rapid growth, resilience, and astonishing prowess in navigating mazes. This remarkable organism, often colloquially referred to as "the blob," took residence within the watch's secure enclosure.


To activate the heart rate monitoring feature of the ingenious smartwatch, the user diligently nurtures the slime mold, providing it a nourishing blend of water and oats, igniting its growth. As the slime mold gracefully traverses the enclosure, an intricate electrical circuit takes shape, animating the heart rate monitor. Intriguingly, should the slime mold be deprived of sustenance, it can gracefully enter a dormant state, slumbering for days, months, or even years, awaiting reawakening.


The Profound Significance of the Living Artifact


The researchers embarked on an ambitious quest to fathom the profound impact of this living smartwatch on the user's perception of technology, infusing the traditional unidirectional relationship with interactive and compassionate dimensions. The aspiration rested in nurturing a profound sense of attachment and responsibility towards this marvel, challenging the prevalent inclination to treat technology as disposable commodities.


Unraveling Insights from the Experiment


Lu and Lopes orchestrated a captivating study, involving a cohort of five participants adorning the living smartwatch for an immersive two-week sojourn. During the initial week, the participants attended dutifully to the well-being of the slime mold until the heart rate monitoring function came alive. Subsequently, in the second week, the researchers issued a directive to suspend the organism's sustenance, witnessing the subsequent drying out and the ensuing disruption of the heart rate functionality. Throughout the captivating odyssey, participants diligently recorded their perceptions and experiences with the living device, alongside engaging in revelatory interview sessions.


The Emboldening Bonds of Emotion


The riveting study unveiled an extraordinary degree of emotional attachment among the participants towards the animated smartwatch. Certain users christened it as a cherished pet, forming deep emotional ties with the slime mold. This emotional connection stood resplendently more profound than conventional interactions with virtual pets like Tamagotchis or The Sims, for whom casual resets and replacements abound.


In a spellbinding twist, participants experienced a tumultuous maelstrom of guilt and grief when instructed to neglect the organism during the study's second week. The unsuspected torrent of emotions underscored a seismic shift in their perception of this marvel of technology, illuminating the uncharted realms of forging profound bonds with living artifacts.


Emanations from Authors and Experts


In the elucidations of Jasmine Lu, the dauntless computer scientist and erudite fourth-year graduate student in Asst. Prof. Pedro Lopes' esteemed Human-Computer Integration Lab, the living smartwatch kindled a captivatingly two-way bond between the user and the device. This bi-directional tethering instilled a sense of attachment and responsibility, transcending the customary view of wearable devices as mere tools with perfunctory purposes.


Pedro Lopes, the indomitable custodian of the Human-Computer Integration Lab, passionately underscored the import of integrating friction into the arena of human-computer interaction research. In heartfelt acclamation, he heralded the living smartwatch not only as an extraordinary scientific venture but also a sublime work of art that challenges the superficial consumerist mindset, inspiring users to tend to their devices with affection instead of discarding them like relics of yore.


Pondering the Panorama of Technological Design


Lu wistfully ponders the wellspring of inspiration that this research might kindle in the realm of technological innovation, heralding a wave of designs that stimulate attachment and engender mutual benefits, thereby subduing the phantom of disposability that plagues contemporary devices. By infusing a nurturing spirit into the user-device relationship, designers can chart a path towards a harmonious and sustainable technological ecosystem, mitigating electronic waste, and fostering an emotional camaraderie with technology.




The birth of a living smartwatch, animated by the enigmatic life force of slime mold, has unfurled unprecedented vistas in the realm of human-computer interaction. This audacious and pioneering approach shatters the tenets of technology's transience and beckons users to cherish a more responsible and caring bond with their devices. In this remarkable quest, the virtuoso researchers from the University of Chicago have not only unveiled the latent potential of living technology but have also kindled a revolution towards enduringly connected and emotionally resonant technological design.



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All Images Credit: from References/Resources sites [Internet]

slime-watch-video, Video courtesy of HCintegration

Hashtag/Keyword/Labels list:

#LivingSmartwatch #SlimeMoldPower #HumanComputerInteraction #EmotionalAttachment #SustainableTechnology #BiDirectionalRelationship


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…till next post, bye-bye and take-care.

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