
Saturday, July 29, 2023

ML Model to Predict Earthquakes and Pandemics Developed



About Topic In Short:


Brown University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), led by Ethan Pickering and Themistoklis Sapsis from MIT.


The research introduces an advanced machine learning model called DeepOnet, combined with active learning techniques, to predict rare disastrous events like earthquakes, pandemics, and rogue waves, even with limited historical data.


By leveraging statistical algorithms and active learning, the model learns from available data and seeks new relevant data points, reducing the need for massive data sets. DeepOnet, a deep neural operator, processes data in two parallel networks, enabling efficient analysis of vast datasets.


In a groundbreaking research paper recently published in the prestigious journal Nature Computational Science, distinguished scholars from Brown University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have unveiled an astonishing machine learning marvel capable of prophesying extraordinary cataclysmic occurrences, encompassing earthquakes, pandemics, and enigmatic rogue waves. The fundamental quandary that ensnares these experts in their prophetic pursuits pertains to the scarcity of data, impeding traditional computational models from deftly predicting the precise timing of these rare events. However, this ingenious consortium of researchers has ingeniously surmounted this formidable obstacle by formulating an advanced machine learning system that deftly navigates the complexities of these exceptional phenomena.


Embracing the Enigmatic Nature of Rare Phenomena

Professor George Karniadakis, a luminary in applied mathematics and engineering at Brown University, passionately illuminates the stochastic essence that pervades these rare events, rendering them imbued with probabilities and an inherent elusiveness. The paucity of historical data further restricts the availability of copious information requisite for constructing predictive models with prodigious databases. Nonetheless, unyielding in their scientific pursuit, the researchers are fervently committed to exploring innovative avenues that prove effective in the face of data scarcity.


An Ingenious Synergy: Marrying Statistical Algorithms and Dynamic Learning

With unyielding determination, the scholarly cadre deftly combines the prowess of statistical algorithms with an ingenious sequential sampling technique christened active learning. By harnessing statistical algorithms that demand lesser data to devise precise forecasts, and imbuing the model with active learning capabilities, they empower the system to glean knowledge from available data and actively scour for novel data points crucial for discerning the desired outcomes. This adept fusion endows the model with unparalleled predictive prowess, even with a discernibly reduced corpus of data, an invaluable asset when unraveling the enigma of rare events.


Delving into the Ingenious DeepOnet: A Profound Neural Operator

The cornerstone of their groundbreaking study, the remarkable machine learning model christened DeepOnet, stands as a profound neural operator of unparalleled magnitude. Its architecture boasts two parallel networks that adroitly handle copious datasets and myriad scenarios at unprecedented velocities, ultimately yielding an extensive array of probabilities once it comprehends the intricacies it seeks. Yet, with such profound capabilities comes a perplexing conundrum - the reliance on an extensive training dataset poses an imposing challenge when navigating the realm of rare occurrences.


Empowering DeepOnet: The Crucial Role of Active Learning in Training

Harnessing the potential of active learning, the researchers adroitly imbue the DeepOnet model with an unparalleled ability to discern the key parameters and precursors indicative of rare events. Unfazed by a dearth of historical data, the model adeptly identifies and assimilates these vital factors, subsequently enabling astute prognostications regarding future calamitous events. The team of scholars adroitly applies this approach across diverse scenarios - from predicting perilous spikes during pandemics to unraveling and quantifying enigmatic rogue waves, and even estimating when a ship may fissure under duress.


Envisioning the Prospects of Rare Event Prognostication

Intriguingly, the study showcases that this ingenious amalgamation of advanced machine learning and active learning techniques markedly outperforms traditional modeling endeavors. The resulting framework forges a promising trailblazing trajectory, proficiently unraveling and predicting an assorted array of rare events. With promising possibilities lying ahead, the potential for accurately forecasting a wide spectrum of extraordinary events, including climatic cataclysms akin to hurricanes, lies within their grasp.


Thus Speak Authors/Experts:

The lead authors, Ethan Pickering and Themistoklis Sapsis from MIT, passionately echo their profound enthusiasm for the groundbreaking research they have collectively orchestrated. Professor George Karniadakis further underscores that their quest is not merely to incorporate every conceivable data point into the system, but rather to adroitly anticipate pivotal events and discern their precursors proactively. In this shrewd manner, they adeptly train the data-hungry DeepOnet model, even in the face of limited real-life event instances.



In conclusion, the collaborative efforts of the esteemed scholars from Brown University and MIT have borne fruition, culminating in the creation of an extraordinary machine learning model proficient in the prediction of rare cataclysmic events, defying the constraints of historical data scarcity. By ingeniously merging statistical algorithms with dynamic active learning and harnessing the profundity of the DeepOnet neural operator, the researchers have paved an illustrious path towards more precise prognostication of exceptional phenomena such as earthquakes, pandemics, and rogue waves. This prodigious framework heralds the promise of bolstering disaster preparedness and galvanizing forecasting capabilities, ushering in a new era of unparalleled scientific inquiry.



Image Gallery


ML Model to Predict Earthquakes and Pandemics Developed

Wave condition

All Images Credit: from References/Resources sites [Internet]


Hashtag/Keyword/Labels list:

#MachineLearning #DisasterPrediction #RareEvents #DeepOnet #ActiveLearning #MIT #BrownUniversity


References/Resources list:

1.       Brown University:

2.       MIT:

3.       DeepOnet:



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…till next post, bye-bye and take-care.

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